9. Beer talk

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The rest of my first day back was pretty uneventful. I had biology with Mia in the afternoon and we were told that the following week, we would be dissecting frogs to learn about their anatomy ready for a test to assess our targets for the rest of the year. No pressure. 

When the last bell of the day rang, signalling home time, I grabbed my stuff and went and sat on one of the benches at the front of the school. I watched students as they ran out and chatted animatedly in their familiar groups, probably talking about their day and how much of a drag school was. My parents always said to 'treasure your time at school,' because when you get older you'll realise it was some of the best times of your life. Somehow, I had a little trouble believing it. 

I pulled out my sketch book as I waited for Jack and began drawing the large oak tree that stood in the grassy patch towards the far right side of the school building. It was immense, its branches swooping high above the floor, blocking the sunlight from getting through. I was just sketching the bottom of the trunk when a shadow cast over the page. I looked up, expecting to see Jack. I was surprised however, to see Caleb stood there. 

"Hi," I said, surprised. 

He smiled. "Hi, Ava."

I shut my sketch book and slipped it back in to my bag, not wanting him to see my attempt at drawing. When it came to my art, I was rather private about it. "So how did you find your first day at Saint Valley High? I hope it wasn't too exciting for you..."

He nodded sarcastically. "Are you kidding? Music with that weird teacher who kept talking about her pet cat and saving a girl from choking on a piece of cake. It was a riot."

I blushed and pulled a face, embarrassed at the reminder. "Can we please not talk about that? You must think I'm an idiot."

"Actually, no," he smiled. "You're the first person here who made me laugh. Granted, I was laughing at you but that's still a good thing."

"It doesn't sound like a good thing," I countered. 

"Trust me, it is. I don't laugh often, it takes a special sort of person to make me laugh."

"Maybe you're just miserable."

"Maybe I am."

 I laughed softly, rising from the bench. He made no attempt to move and I felt slightly awkward. I secretly wondered why he was even talking to me. I would bet any amount of money  that he was very popular at his last school and the girls here would clamber over each-other's dead bodies to date a boy like him. Yet here he was, talking to me. It hadn't gone unnoticed that girls who walked by us were openly staring in surprise, including head-cheerleader, Missy.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked casually.

As if on cue, Jack came in to view. "I'm sorry, I'm walking home with my friend, Jack. Maybe another time?"

"I'll hold you to that," he winked, before turning on his heel and walking away. As soon as he was on his own, I watched briefly as Missy made a beeline for him and looped her arm through his. I rolled my eyes. 

"Hey you," I smiled, as Jack approached, his eyes darting to Caleb briefly before settling back on me. 

"What did he want?" Jack asked. No small-talk then. 

I shrugged. "He wanted to walk me home, but I said no I was walking home with you."

We began walking towards the bike sheds. I waited as Jack unlocked his bike and I settled into a walk beside him as he peddled slowly along the path home. 

"So he wanted to walk you home?" Jack repeated. 

I nodded, unsure where he was going with this. "Yes, why?"

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Where stories live. Discover now