Chapter 10: Finally, Canada! (...well, Almost)

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You can achieve your goals, well... only if you have to face certain challenges first. Besides, results can be bad or good... whatever it may be.

It was already minutes after noon, and that the sky was already covered up with dark clouds, which looked as if it's about to rain any minute now, as the Bears kept on going aboard their van, unsure about where they are that time.

Well, those last few miles of driving suddenly tattered the van into almost becoming a discarded heap of metal and plastic, the engines sputtering in some energy and that the cannon being used earlier wasn't working anymore, leftover smoothie settlements and coconut oil drops dripping out of its nozzle.

Yet the van went on going, but not when it had reached a hilly part of the road did it went on a spatter...

"Come on, old van, you got this...!" Grizz urged in.

The van, right now, upon reaching the top of the hill, suddenly stopped, with the wheels popping off the sides and halting the van for good.

Now seeing that the van cannot go any further now, the Bears felt like it was already done for. (Well, even Ice was stunned to see that the van was now busted after the car chase earlier.)

"Aw, dingles..." Panda went in, disappointed at the incident. "What will we do now...?"

The two other brothers were worried much the same, but not on Grizz; he suddenly saw something below them that alerted his excitement into the horizon.

"Whoa, ha, ha! Guys, look, look, look! We finally made it!"

"Wait - what...?" Panda then asked him, eyes turned to his brother.

Grizz then pointed to where he found the "thing" he saw, and that's where Panda and Ice widened their eyes upon seeing the thing they're all looking for the whole time...

...something that makes them go on a road trip in the first place, and the one that they're all aiming for:


The Bears now had saw the gateway border between the USA and Canada, and that the road they're about to go to was placed in with a guard booth on the port side of the road.

Yep, you can say by the afternoon sun at the horizon that it had led to where their dreams to live peacefully ever after come true.

That really accelled the Bears enough to say that they finally made it, all right!

"Finally, we made it! Canada, land of the free..." Grizz said first.

"...and home of the bears!" Panda finished, eyes filled with tears. "Ahh, such a sweet ending we about to have..."

"Yes, we are!" Grizz then went in. "Freedom!"

"Acceptance!" Panda added.

"Lumber," Ice finished.

That inspired the younger two to step out of the vehicle and head over to the border...

"Well, what are you waiting for...?" Panda asked his elder brother. "Let's run!"

But he had another idea out of his head:

"Wait – let's stack...!"

Just after Grizz had said those words, the Bears now went on their usual Bear stack form and went over to the border, their thoughts thinking that they will get to what they're all aiming for...

Of calmness and peace
Do we want to meet you
Let the Bears in, please...

Dreaming to live with the trees
And maple leaves in the breezes
We want to see you, please...

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