Chapter 11: Animal Reserves and Separations

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As someone said, life sometimes ends up behind bars (metaphorically speaking).

Hours passed since the Bears had reached the Canadian border, and that the border guard named John-K had blocked them off because they didn't bring any passports, and that it led them to being hopeless, arguing on who's to blame...

...until that the pursuers, the police officers who were after them in the first place, had finally found them and had them caught fairly and without violence.

Now, they are aboard the police van that led second to the patrol car that had the officials in it, and that the other vans had followed suit, as the police had them sent to an animal rehabilitation center, all laced up with an electric fence and thick walls surrounding the entrance.

Once inside the reserve, the vans then stopped, and that the Bears were pushed out by the cops aboard the same van, right into the muddy ground being soaked earlier by the rain.

You can say that they are all bounded up, paws cuffed behind their backs and doomed...

"Welcome to the reserve, Bears!" Trout greeted them with praise, just as he approached to them with, well, evil. "Well, don't you just love the view... Dark and desperate, just the way I like it."

"Seriously?" That's what Grizz had said to him.

As the agent went closer to the trio, with Marlette being held on his right arm and clinging tight as she watched them, and Murphy being there behind him, watching as he is, he talked to the Bears, gesturing his hands as he said so:

"Well, I do hope you will like our state-of-the-art facilities, which include a new, electrically-charged barbed wire fence! That's 35,000 volts between you, and the outside world! Well, that would be a shocking surprise, do you?"

35 thousand?! That's too much! Panda thought.

"Well, you caught us, and you got what you want, now what?" Grizz asked.

"Heh, such a stupid question," the agent replied. "It's almost simple, really; I'll just start by placing each of you in one of these...!"

Just as intended, and right from behind, two tough, lock-bolt cages appeared on both the left and right sides, with the agent standing between the cages and glaring with wickedness.

It's when the cages had appeared did the cops grabbed both Panda and Ice Bear away from Grizz, with the eldest being held by a pair of the same armored men as he tried to plead for them to be free (or so he had thought).

Panda, worried that he's been separated by his other two brothers, was placed inside his own cage first.

Ice came later, but doing so was difficult at first; Ice had broke loose from their grip, but they apprehended him later on, and had him being tied up with cloth restraints around his body and arms and a muffler on his muzzle, making him difficult to move before he was forced in his own cage.

Now seeing that his two brothers are caged in, Grizz tried to struggle away from the cops that held him, pleading the agent to "Stop this! This is madness...! Please...!"

Well, he didn't seem to have any signs of faith to him, as he is.

"Let him go, boys..." he told them, "so he can say goodbye for the last time."

"Wait... what?!" Grizz exclaimed suddenly. "Why?"

"Why?" Trout replied, his back still turned behind the eldest bear brother. "Well, I'm sending them off to where they belong...!"

The cops then placed in two cards in each of the card holders in the cages; on Panda's, it was "Ship to China"...

"No, I don't wanna go...!" Panda pleaded sadly.

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