▲ Rare Syndromes PT 2 ▲

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an uncommon form of paranoid delusion. The affected person strongly believes that another individual is in love with him or her. This delusion develops and persists despite clear evidence to the contrary. The condition is rare, and erotomania affects women more often than men.

a mental disorder in which the patient displays pathological indecisiveness. It is typically associated with anxiety, stress, depression, and mental anguish, and can severely affect one's ability to function socially.

Synesthesia is an anomalous blending of the senses in which the stimulation of one modality simultaneously produces sensation in a different modality. Synesthetes hear colors, feel sounds and taste shapes.

an overwhelming or obsessive desire to have one or more healthy body parts and especially a limb removed by amputation ... the characteristic findings of this fascinating disease clearly distinguish apotemnophilia as a unique paraphilia

Exploding head syndrome (EHS):
is a parasomnia. A parasomnia involves undesired events that come along with sleep. Exploding head consists of a loud noise that you suddenly imagine just before you fall asleep. It can seem like a violent explosion has gone off in your head.

A disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out body hair.
The urges involve pulling out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of the body.

An unusually intense or pathological desire to be romantically and/or sexually involved with a celebrity

Fregoli Delusion:
is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that different people are in fact a single person who changes appearance or is in disguise.

symptom of obsessive–compulsive disorder which involves the collecting or even hoarding of books to the point where social relations or health are damaged.

Munchausen Syndrome:
mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse.

One of the sickest and most disturbing mental disorders: Paedophilia involves sexual activity with a child, generally under age 13. The individual with paedophilia would most commonly be over 16 years of age and be at least five years older than the child. (We should not be normalizing this. This is creepy and disgusting)

paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crime—such as rape or murder.

Kluver–Bucy Syndrome:
rare behavioral impairment characterized by inappropriate sexual behaviors and mouthing of objects. Other signs and symptoms, include a diminished ability to visually recognize objects, loss of normal fear and anger responses, memory loss, distractibility, seizures , and dementia .

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