Chapter 29: What? How? - Hawkeye

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She attacked. She was quick, I'll admit that. But I had years of experience. There's no way she could beat me. I threw a punch. She dodged easily. Shoot. I forgot about her sixth sense. That will make this harder. We lunged back and forth at each other. Throwing punches and kicks. I got a good hit on her stomach, unfortunately, she had abs. It was like punching a brick wall. Geez, how was she this ripped? She smirked and swiped my legs from under me. Then she climbed on top and pulled one of her feathers out and held it to my neck.
"Checkmate." She grinned.
"What? How?" Literally everyone yelled.
"You asked to soar with her Clint." Nat laughed.
"Yeah but I didn't think she would beat me!"
"Oh please. I've beaten Bucky. It's nothing new." Everyone gaped. Nat smirked and Bucky scowled.
"Seriously Buck?" Steve asked. Abby laughed.
"You should have seen his face when I caught his fist. He was frozen!"
"Fine you beat me. No need to rub it in." Bucky groaned.
"I want to spar with her." Steve volunteered.
"Seriously Capsicle? I would love to beat you!" Abby lit up.
"Yeah right that's not happening." Abby frowned. "I did get to use my shield though right?"
"Yeah sure whatever." Abby waved him off, she was studying him, no doubt trying to figure out how to take him down. Then she grinned. "Ok let's do this." She was smiling evilly. I took a step back. She could be really creepy sometimes. They stood in the arena.
"Ready? Go!" Nat yelled. Everyone was gathered to watch.
"Ten bucks Cap wins." I whispered to Nat and Tony.
"No way. Abby's gonna win." Nat hissed back.
"You're on!"
"Sorry but I'm gonna side with Clint on this one." Tony whispered.
"Fine. But when my girl wins, you owe me."
We went back to the fight. Cap had thrown his shield and somehow Abby had managed to jump off of it, in mid air and kick Cap in the face! Steve stumbled back. Abby had no mercy she she dived and knocked him over, pinning him. Steve managed to get out and flip Abby. But she jumped up and kicked him full on in the nose. There was a crack and Steve fell. She pinned him and pulled out yet another feather and held it above his throat. Steve, with a now possible broken nose, blood streaming from his  face and a knife to his throat, put up his hands in surrender.
"Geez kid." Tony spoke first.
"Told you. Now pay up." Nat held out her hand.  Everyone except Bucky gave her a ten dollar bill.
"Wow you bet on me? I'm flattered. And thanks Nat."
"No problem Abby." Steve had a wad of tissues held to his nose.
"Sorry Cap. It was necessary."
"I've had worse. It'll heal." Abby nodded. Then Pietro gasped.
"You know what I just thought of? A nickname for Abby."
"No don't you dare Pietro!" Abby stormed over to him but he sped away. Apparently she knew this nickname. "I know what you're thinking! I hate that nickname! Don't you dare say it!"
"Oh now I want to know." Tony put in.
"Ok so you now how she's ripped?"
"Pietro." She said in a low warning voice.
"And her name is Abby, and she has abs."
"Pietro Maximoff, I swear."
"So her new nickname is Abs. Cause she had abs."
"PEIRTO MAXIMOFF! YOURE DEAD!" Abby chased him. Luckily Pietro was faster because he would've been dead. She came storming back in.
"Welcome back Abs." Tony chuckled. She shot him a death glare.
"I am going to kill him."

The Girl With The Metal Wings // Avengers Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang