Blurb & Author's Note

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"You wear your darkness like some women wear a little black dress, it's shining in those green eyes of yours."

"Underestimating me will be anyone's first mistake," I tell him.

"One should never underestimate the woman who has the ability to shatter souls; destroy and burn everything anyone owns. One should never underestimate the woman who looks into a fire and smiles," He tilts my chin up with his finger and stares into my eyes, locking his gaze with mine.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you are afraid of me," Humor is detected on my voice, it shocks me that I allow him to see my emotions like this.

"Beautiful, but destructive. That would be the unravelling of any man, Eloisa."

Tilting my head to the side, "I used to be nice."


Eloisa Martinelli - ruthless, dark, sensual & beautifully dangerous.

Xavier Romano - malicious, cold, alluring & sinfully dangerous.

Read the intense journey of Eloisa and Xavier. Her trying to navigate in the new life of being a ruthless killer, murdering people to get her way, staying under the radar, all in a plot for revenge for her family. Him trying to control his position as the mafia leader, enjoying the screams of his victims, devouring on the taste of power, all to be wrecked by the tornado that is Eloisa.



Hello again, my dearest lovelies!! 

Now on the path to writing my eight book, which you will hopefully enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

I've mentioned this before and I'll gladly do it again, there are some thoughts I'd love for everyone to have in mind while guiding through the enticing journey of Eloisa and Xavier. Please and thank youuu. 

Bullying: Do not, under any circumstance, bully anyone in the comments. I'll delete the comments instantly and with no warning, there is zero tolerance.. (Incredible how I truly have to address this in every book, but I'll do it). This is a safe space for everyone. 

Constructive criticism: I looove reading your comments, they help me in knowing where you wish for the plot to end and they warm my heart - like, literally so much.. <3 If you do find any plot holes or mistakes, then please politely inform me in the comments and I'll fix it.

Badass characters: The lead in this book is one hotheaded, strong, female character. She's been through trauma that people would never dare dream of, she's broken and doesn't care about others. If you can't deal with an imperfect lead, then leave please. It doesn't sit right with me when people bash her for being broken.

A little warning: This book will contain a hell of a lot of violence, swearing, smut, trauma, etc. If you don't feel comfortable with this, then I highly suggest you find another book (Or test it out and know your limits). It's real, raw, painful and fucking alluring. I'll place 'warnings' with the smutty chapters, but that's only so I can read your reactions to the upcoming storm. I love it!

 Also: Don't copy my books. I've literally cried, died and then resuscitated, laughed and yelled over this book. It's my little baby. If anyone finds this book on any other platform, then you're more than welcome to inform me. I only post this on Wattpad. 

All there's left to do now, is to buckle the fuck up and enjoy the crazy ride of a badass bitch mixed with an emotionless jerk. 

Love you all!

- Emma

Fiery Revenge⎪✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon