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My fingers run along my cheek, the swollenness of my face has me on edge. These guys truly got to me, for the first time in a while I was placed in a bad situation. They kicked down my door and I opened fire instantly, I truly didn't see the two of them inch up on me from behind. My mind goes back to how they beat me up and then tried to rape me, both of them froze when they heard the door to my bedroom open. 

And there he was. 

I hated not being able to take all of them down, but nonetheless the relief from seeing him was intense. Some small part of me questioned if he even would come to me, he doesn't owe me anything, he did come to me though and at that moment I felt invincible. They couldn't get to me with him being there, he wouldn't allow it. I could read it in the fire behind his black eyes, he was furious. 

"Where are you hurt?" His smoky voice brings me back to the cold car, he is taking me to the Romano mansion. I have no clue what I was thinking saying yes to going there, but the thought of staying in my apartment unsettled me. 

They know my address now, they must know considering how these guys waited for me on my street.

"They only attacked my face," I explain to him, they also got a few kicks in, but those didn't hurt too much. 

His intense eyes stare at me, scanning my entire frame and then look back on the road. My body is finally relaxed against the leather seat, needing this type of safety at the moment. Xavier wouldn't allow anyone to hurt me, I actually trust him a little already. It's ridiculous how he has wormed himself into my mind, staying there rent fucking free.

My eyes scan his perfect side profile once again, it truly is unfair. "Do you live with anyone you're biologically related to?" I ask him, needing to know if I should hide in this big mansion of his. 

His steely gaze cuts to mine momentarily, "No."

Frowning at his reaction, "Are you lying to me, Xavier?"

"Besides my cousin, there is no one there who I'm biologically related to," He shakes his head. "I count my mafia as my family, they will be there and a lot of them can be intense. Although, I'm sure you will be able to put them in their place if need be. Non preoccuparti," (Don't worry) He sounds so sure of himself when he speaks, and the free pass of snapping at his members feels good. 

"How many people live there?" I find myself asking, the curiosity of how everything works suddenly hits me. 

"32 members at the moment, only my most trusted ones. I don't want any snitches in there, for the other members we have multiple other houses with assigned leaders of each house."

"Are they in this city only?"

"No, we have a lot of bases throughout The States, then we have some in England, a few in Russia, Germany, France and of course, Italy."

"That's a lot," I nod my head. 

"Yeah, but all of them are loyal to me and to their assigned house and location leader."

"So you do have an entire group of people protecting your ass?" I tease, he scoffs in humor and smirks at me. 

"Let's call it a group, yeah," He settles for my choice of word. 

I know he has more than just a group of people, I don't believe I truly understand how powerful and rich this man is. It makes no sense to me that he would be willing to come and help me today, he must be working his ass off for every member in the mafia. 

"You must be quite busy," I speak before my mind catches on and he nods his head. 

"Yeah, but you learn to get by. I assign different leaders a lot of tasks, which also keeps me from having to travel constantly. They have to update me every week and Marc handles those updates, he only informs me if some of them are having issues and that's when we choose to fly out there and assist."

My mind tries to process everything he's telling me. The mafia he has behind him could take down the three men who are after me, but I can't bring myself to tell him that his father is coming for me. I briefly wonder if Xavier has been trying to investigate me, trying to code why I'm plotting a revenge. 

Eloisa Martinelli died in the house along with my family, Rocco made sure of hacking the system and writing exactly that

Technically, I'm dead. But that doesn't mean that Xavier hasn't tried to dig up information about me, I won't be in their database though. My death must rule me out and that thought comforts me, he can't know about my intentions. If he finds out I'm plotting to kill his father, then he will throw me to the wolves instantly. 

Mafia men are all about loyalty and I'm going against that by doing this. 

"Here we are," He says and pulls into a parking spot, the mansion in front of us will always amaze me. It never gets boring to look at and I wonder how much this must cost him, although I'm sure money would never be a problem for him. We walk out together and just as I take the first step my phone rings.

Pulling it out of my purse I see Mike's name flashing across the screen, my drug dealer that I gave a gun that one day. Accepting, "Martinelli."

"Miss Martinelli," He says in a panic, Xavier looks at me in question and scans my body. 

"What's happening?" I ask him, ignoring the delicious shivers running down my spine from the attention Xavier's giving me. 

"I just killed my first victim," He speaks in a whisper. 

"You shouldn't call me about this! Don't you remember what we talked about? Call the number I gave you and tell him the address. If you need any help mentally, tell Rocco and he will sort it out for you," The frustration of his carelessness annoys me. 

"Where are you right now?" He asks. 

Gripping the phone tightly in my hand, "If you think that's any of your fucking business, then you're sadly mistaken. Do your fucking job, that's what I pay you for anyway."

Hanging up on him, I push the phone into my purse and look at Xavier. His eyebrows are raised in humor and I scoff at him, "Don't even ask."

"Wasn't going to," He answers with humor in his voice. 

This man will be the death of me. 

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