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The cold wind nips at my cheeks and I stand in the alley, staring down at the boy that will be yet another number on my list. He won't know what hit him when I get my fingers on him, the idiocy of him ratting me out, even under force, has me fucking furious. Choosing to settle for the emotionless tactic, I pull the knife from my holster and my eyes meet his frightened ones. 

"Now, Mike, will you elaborate yourself or will we have a problem?" I ask him indifferently. 

"You're going to kill me!" He screams and I tut at him. 

"Don't skip the fun part, darling. I'll make you scream, make you beg for me to stop, beg for me to end your life. Let's not forget that," This feels like my element and I pull his weak body against a wall in the darkest corner, my knife slices at his shirt and the material rips under the sharpness of the silver weapon. "Tell me what you did, give me all the details."

My tone clearly throws him off and he gives me a scared glance, "He came to me after one of my parties here in town. Telling me that he knows of Eloisa Martinelli, he wanted me to stop sending you your money and he forced me to call you. The story was that I had killed someone and then I had to casually ask you for your whereabouts."

"And when was this?" I ask him, the knife taunts his chest and I smirk at the sight. 

"It was when I called you that one night!"

"See, I would believe you, if your story added up. You start off by saying six men and now it's only one. No one knows I have drugs on my hands, unless you snitched on me. Furthermore, your payments stopped weeks ago, not just after the call. Which is why I have reason to believe you're lying to me, Mike."

Anger suddenly flashes in his eyes and he grabs my knife from me, turning it on me with a threatening glint in his eyes. 

"So what, Italian bitch? You made it perfectly clear you were using me, I could become fucking rich on having your ass. I still can and this opportunity is perfect!" His slimy voice fills up the air and he takes a step closer to me. 

No fear runs through my veins, the only feeling in me is the entertainment of seeing him like this. Tilting my head to the side I smirk at him, the action throws him off and once again he allows his feelings to slip through. Such an amateur. 

My heel kicks out and he loses his balance, falling onto the unforgiving ground. The spike underneath my heel digs into the skin of his stomach, when I pierce his skin he screams out in absolute pain and drops the knife on the ground. 

Stepping out of my heel, I allow it to stay in his gut and blood soaks his shirt slowly. Grabbing the knife on the ground, I walk closer to Mike and slice the knife against his arm. He screams out in terror when his skin opens delicately, which makes me grateful for the loud music from two clubs. 

"You think screaming will help, don't you?" I tut at him with a smirk. "If anything, it will only lure innocent people out here, leaving me no choice but to shoot them."

"Shoot me," He whispers. 

"Cosa hai detto?" (What did you say?)

"I don't get what you're saying, I grew up in the States. But just kill me, get it over with. You know the truth, I wanted you dead and that's that."

"Well, you definitely just sucked every bit of entertainment out of this situation," I tell him sadly and tap the knife against his chest twice. "Besides, don't be stereotypical. People can speak and slash or understand other languages even though they grew up here, you uneducated and judgmental dick."

His frantic eyes cut to mine, "You're fucking insane!"

Smirking enthusiastically, "I know, isn't it great?"

"What are you trying to accomplish here?" He suddenly asks me and I give him a cold stare in return. 

"My god, darling, you're a dry fucking piece of slow pussy. I'm fucking bored and I'm about to kill you, that doesn't really add up."

"Then do it!" He exclaims.

"Fine," I shrug my shoulders and stab the knife into his neck. 

His eyes widen at my advance and I pull it out again, blood instantly oozes from the cut and he chokes on it. My eyes focus on the heel digging into his gut and I pull it out, too good to leave them in him anyway. Mike takes a strangled breath and the life leaves his eyes slowly, telling me that he is officially dead. 

The bag is still on the ground and I decide to leave it here, I don't give a fuck about the drugs and this could appear as a drug deal gone wrong in case someone finds him before Rocco. Tugging the weapon into the holster, I walk onto the street again and find Xavier standing by the door to The Dungeon. 

He looks at me, his eyes scanning my body heatedly, "Who did you hurt now?"

"Nobody," I shrug my shoulders, ignoring the needy tightening in my gut. "Where is Marc?"

Xavier shakes his head, obviously seeing through my lie, "He left with his girlfriend. I was forced to wait for your slow ass, so thank you for joining me."

The humor on his voice is slowly growing familiar to me, the thought makes me smile at him and he returns it. "Now, where is your car parked again? Might as well tell me and make yourself the slightest bit useful."

"Eloisa," He growls and I chuckle at his annoyance, he has been waiting for me after all. 

"Ay ay, captain. Where's the car, your excellence?"

"You're annoying," He attempts to hide his smile and walks down the street. 

"And you think I'm funny!" I reciprocate in an accusing manner. 

He doesn't say another word, but opens the door for me when we reach the car. He joins the coldness of the car in the driver's seat and I dig my phone out of my purse, Rocco has sent me multiple texts that I have yet to answer. 

'Where the fuck are you? You weren't allowed to torture him!'

'Your boys are leaving, E. Probably looking for you, the boss looks angry.'

 'Is he gone yet?'

'He must be by now.'


Smiling at his texts, I decide to put him out of his misery.

'Gone, alley between TD and R.'

Not a second later he answers.

'Too close! The audacity!'

Ignoring his last comment, I pack away the device and focus on the intense man sitting next to me. His beauty is hard to explain, the darkness that surrounds him compliments every inch of his features. The rough look has me feeling some type of way. His broad shoulders and height, 6'6 frame, he is built like a beast and it's too fucking sexy. 

My mouth runs dry by the thought of his hands and I beg myself to quit with this way of thinking. To no fucking avail. I'm gone by the beauty and mystery that is Xavier Romano and I hate myself for it. Especially when his black eyes meet mine and he delivers a merciless smile. 

The action too pure for such a dangerous creature. 

The action too sexy for my heart. 

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