《Chapter 23》

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Vanessa's p.o.v

I was eating my cake when suddenly the door bell rang. Isabella came...

I hope she doesn't freak out when she sees me...

"I'll go get the door." Jasmine says and I nod. She leaves and soon walks in with Isabella, who was talking with her.

"I brought some chips!" Isabella says grinning and showing her the chips. "You can leave it on the table. You said you're stayong for like 2 hours right?" She nods. "Yup. I'll go leave it on the table."

The table was right next to the couch I was sitting on so when she turned around to put it there, she saw me and her eyes widen.

Here it comes..

"Vanessa?!" She squeaked in suprise. Well...that went okay I guess? At least she didn't yell or have a heart attack..or fall for that matter..

"Uhhh...suprise?" I say sheepishly and her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. "She came here earlier on to see the instruments." Jasmine explained. Isabella immediately came in front of me and bowed.

"H-Hello Vanessa! Sorry for the intrusion! Oh and I'm...I'm Sorry for not...uhh...greeting!" She stuttered. It's not even my house...why is she even apologizing?

"It's okay?" I say furrowinh my brows. She bows multiple times before going to leave the chips on the table, but she tripped and was going to fall. Luckily I was fast enough to catch her.

I'm starting to think I am the flash...

"S-Sorry!" She squeaked like a hamster. "You don't have to keep apologizing..." I say and she tilts her head. "I don't?"

I found it oddly cute since she looked like a confused hamster.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p' and squeezin g her slightly chubby cheeks. "You aren't gonna break my arm or rip of my head?" She asks shrinking in fear and I laugh. I could hear Jasmine saying something along the lines of "Come on. She can't rip our heads off. You're being dramatic."

If only she knew...

"Of course not! I'm not that petty!" I say laughing and I cpuld see her physically calm down. "But why did you break that boys arm at school then?"

No wonder she's afraid of me..

"He just said something that pissed me off." I say shrugging but i knew that it was more than that. I wasn't lying.

"Yeah. Vanessa is actually a nice person. In fact, she offered to beat Mia for bullying us." Jasmine says matter of facticly whilst Isabella looked at me with big eyes.

"Believe me now?" I ask with raised brows and she nods her head frantically. "You can relax you know. You dont jabe to be so on guard all the time." I say plopping myself on the sofa.

"She's always been like that. Even with me. Just not as bad as with the others." Jasmine says making me look at Isabella, examing her.

So she's socially awkward?

She seems like the shy, quiet and introvert type.

Jasmine...she doesn't seem like an introvert..

"You?" I ask Jasmine. "I can be loud at times but I'm also socially awkward at times. Just depends." She says scratching her neck.

So she's an ambivert?

Guess I'm the extrovert here..

"So...how did you guys become friends?" I ask and they look at each other before speaking. "Well...
I was very loud at times like I said but i would also be super awkward and wouldn't speak up for myself. That's why I often got bullied." Jasmine narrates. Isabella just nods in agreement.

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