Let's Make a Deal

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No.... not like this!


I felt the pain of a bullet ripping through my torso as one of the masked men fired a rifle at me. I knew who they were though... secret service.

"No...no!" In the dark room, police officers were laying dead on the floor. One of which was my sister. I crawled over to her, leaving the sounds of gunfire becoming dull as I shifted in and out of consciousness from the pain.

I reached my sister who looked pale, and no longer breathing. I knew she was already dead...nobody could survive a bullet through the head after all.

As I felt my blood flowing out... I felt my head get lighter. They say you see your life fly by when you are about to die, but all I felt was loss. I could only think of my sister.

We were orphans before we knew it. Never knew who our parents were and so we grew up in an orphanage. Our time there was not pleasurable at all. It was thanks to our P.E teacher who used to be a MMA fighter who taught us for free that we learned how to defend ourselves...well, more of us sister fighting and me cheering for her.

I depended on her and she always took care of me, and I aimed to follow in her footsteps to never let her down.

My older sister, who was the typical All-A student in high school, graduated and soon became a police officer. Her dream, to stop injustice. We felt way to many of those, low life scum and bullies where we lived. Hookers, scammers, con-artists and plain criminals were part of life where we lived and we had enough.

When I graduated from High-school, I followed in my sister's footsteps and also successfully became a police officer.

Surprisingly, this was the first time I was better at her than something. While she excelled at everything before, I found passion in my work. While paper work got dull, but the idea of us working for a greater cause was worth every second.

Until we found out something we weren't supposed to...

It initially looked like a common thief who stole something...but the evidence just didn't line up. The thief was way too prepared for everything. They infiltrated a high-profile home of a millionaire perfectly yet stole nothing of value. It looked like they took files on a computer and downloaded it.

With the owner of the house dead, we got permission to search the computer and that was when strange orders came through from above.

First, they stated that the case was closed. This order came from above but strangely we didn't know how far up it was from.

Next, we got orders from our direct supervisor to continue to search...who suddenly got very wealthy; I heavily suspect that the family of the diseased bribed him to continue searching for answers.

Not wanting to get fired, we ignored the first order and scanned the files on the computer...only to find things we should not have.

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