Take a Break!

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Chapter 14

After we were done explaining to the King and safety rounded up all rebels who participated (not much) as well as the bounty hunters and Crocodile's underlings who were soundly beaten by our crew, sis simply picked me up and carried me to the local Marines Base with Smoker looking at us with embarrassed eyes.

It was honestly embarrassing as a Rear Admiral to sit on my sister's lap and be pat like a pet then entire time. But it looked like no one in my crew seemed to have any idea of letting me sit on my own.

I was trapped between a very firm pair of arms and sitting on sis's lap. At this point, I already gave up trying to escape. Whenever I tried to escape, she used armament haki on her arms to hold me in place.

Sarah didn't help me at all and instead just continued to pat me on the head along with Doc. I tried to ask Sarah with the help of my Puppy Eyes technique; it worked...except sis stopped her from freeing me.

Diana: ...and that's pretty much what happened.

Sengoku: It hasn't even been a month since we created your Unit and you're already involved with stuff like National Civil unrest and whatnot. You girls are seriously giving me a headache

Me: Hey! It's not our fault. We were the ones that solved it, not started it. It's Crocodile's fault

Next to me, I heard an uncomfortable grunt. Probably Smoker...or him, I wasn't paying attention to who did that.

Sengoku: Blah, pretty much the same thing. Where is Crocodile now?

Diana: He has 3 Sea Stone cuffs on and is sitting right next to us.

Crocodile: Hello Sengoku.It's been a while

Sengoku: ...WHY IS HE THERE?

Diana: Well, it's not like he's a threat right now so we thought it would be okay. In addition, he didn't seem like the type to cause trouble. He also asked if he could just sit here so I thought why not.

Sengoku: Alright, is Smoker there as well?

Smoker: *grunt*

Sengoku: Same as always huh? Fine then, listen carefully.

For your help in solving this crisis as well as combat prowess, Captain Smoker, you are called back to MarineFord to be promoted to Commodore.

Smoker frowned as if he didn't want it.

Smoker: I don't want it. That just means more paperwork for me.

Sengoku: Just shut up and accept it when we give you a promotion. You are to come back immediately!

Me: What about us?

Sengoku: I'm getting there... *sighs* I know of the power each of you sisters have. Through this short time you have shown excelling capability in both combat and leadership. Thus, to Rear Admirals Kara and Diana, you are hereby promoted to Vice Admirals.

Don't come back to MarineFord now. You guys have a 1 month break. We'll have the formal stuff ready for you when you get back. But officially you are both now officially Vice Admirals.

Smoker: Why do I have to come back then?

Sengoku: Because you're not on break!

Crocodile: Why do I have to come back?

Sengoku: Are you fucking kidding me? Crocodile, you're going to Impel Down and you know it.

Also, before I forget, I've also got some promotions for your crew as well. Chief Petty Officer Tashigi; for following around this Smoker brat so well and keeping him from smoking away the Marine budget, you are promoted to Ensign.

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