Arlong and Smokey

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Chapter 6

Before we even landed on the island, I used my Observation Haki to search the island.

Me: They're not here yet. Luffy's crew aren't arrived yet. I would guess that they've just about had their meeting with Nami or something. Not even the revolutionary army is here yet. Honestly would have enjoyed a Haki clash with him though.

Diana: Sis, the story has barely begun. Have patience. Soon we will fuck up the Storyline enough to clash with the Yonko themselves!

As our ship pulled up to the docks, there was a Marine soldier who seemed to be checking the ships.

Marine: Private Daniel reporting; how may I help you?

Diana: This is Rear Admiral Diana from the First Rapid Response Unit of the Marines. Take us to your superior.

The attitude of the Marine suddenly changed as he switched from a more lax greeting to a full shock.

Marine: ..o. Au... Of course! Follow me please.

Me: Wait, don't we need to buy the visa for docking here?

Marine: uh.. .Uu... Usually that would be the case but your ship is led by a Rear Admiral. In this case, on all islands under control of the World Government, you are free to dock without permission and have an indefinite amount of Visa. In addition, you are request supplies be delivered directly to your ship in case of a hurry.

Me: Oh, got it. Thanks

*pat* Sis just smiled and pet my head. How does she make it feel so good?

Anyway, we activated the ship's auto defenses, turned on our PX 1.0 and followed the Marine to the base.

*knock* knock*

Smoker: *grunt* Who is it?

Marine: Captain Smoker; Rear Admiral Diana and Kara are here with their crew.

*cough* *hack* *hack*

Smoker: Please, *cough* come in.

I think he choked when he heard that a Rear Admiral came to his office. Of course, I understand. I would hate it as well if my superior just showed up without notice.

Smoker: Well Rear Admiral Diana, Kara,

He then nodded to the rest of our crew

Smoker: How may be help you? I hope Lougetown has been hospitable so far?

He put on a forced smile that was quite painful to look at. Especially with those 2 cigars in his mouth.

Diana: You can drop the act Captain Smoker. I can tell that smiling is not your Forte. As the new Rapid response Unit, we came by to see if there was a part in which we need to invest deeper.


Me: Or perhaps, something you know is fishy...hmm? Maybe the fishman pirates and the reports that aren't coming in from the officer that is supposed to?

Smoker: Well, at least it seems like you guys didn't buy your way up the ladder.

Yes, there were some suspicious activities near the area where the Fishman pirates are rumored to be active; however, the reports we received from the Marine captain there didn't report anything.

I, who have the same rank as him can't really do anything. I would suggest checking out that area.

Diana: Hmm, sounds like a plan. If we catch him to be involved in crime, I'll try not to kill him and bring him back here.

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