Heated Arugements

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Chapter 45

When we returned to the Marine HQ, we made sure to take out every single Beri that were in our accounts and asked them to pay us in cash. It's always safer to have things in your inventory rather than somewhere else. Good hard cash.

With Sengoku and Garp serving elsewhere in the Marines, the tension between Aokiji and Sakazuki was growing. Of course, in our hearts we were supporting Aokiji but we knew what would happen eventually, so we didn't bother.

The Marines underwent a massive development as Marine presence was felt all over the world wit the 'World Draft'. From all over the world, new talent and rookie Marines rose up the ranks. One of which was...

Me: Dad!!!

Dad became a Vice Admiral just a few days ago. He was recognized for his power in dealing with Pirates swiftly and ruthlessly. Like us, he was a Super Rookie of the Marines. Like the great man he is, his crew and other Marines came to respect him as a honorable swordsman. I'm sure he'll become an Admiral soon.

As for the others in our crew, they became monsters of their own. Training everyday on the Requiem without excuse turned them into forces even to be reckoned with in the New World.

Sarah, our navigator was taught swordsmanship by both of us and she became skilled at both armament and observational haki. She pushed her observation haki beyond it's basic form and with my help, awakened the first step of 'future sight'. It wasn't perfectly accurate as mine but any amount of time into the future could help her. Whether it's in close combat or sniping.

John Timber, our shipwright, became even more of a muscular monster than he already was. Due to the fact that we often made our crew go after the pirates instead of ourselves, he got the experience he needed to become a strong fighter. His armament haki turned pitch black a month ago and now he can hold it for extended amounts of time. While nowhere close Sarah's level of observational haki, playing 'Hit John while he's blindfolded' a couple dozen times finally awakened his ability for it. Through many trial and errors, his Devil Fruit ability with Wood became fearsome. We would often stop of deserted islands for him to practice; one of which was creating a terrain of his choice by growing plants all over the island. He was always a big guy so it makes sense he would choose to fight with Adam Wood gauntlets he makes with his ability. One useful ability he also has is to drain water, like a real tree. One problem would be he still drinks way too much booze.

Tim, our mechanic and blacksmith, is probably the guy that changed the most in the past couple of months. He got more muscular and his long blue hair that was usually sprayed back was cut short, like John's. He managed to awaken both forms of haki, though still haven't grasped a mastery of both. His real ability came from his Devil Fruit. With his solid understanding of how to create weapons and machinery, he can instantly create a weapon connected to his hand or body. An emergency suit of armor, or more! Of course, he always carried a couple extra electricity dial with him just in case.

Doc Brown didn't change much in terms of appearance but he maintained his healthy look so that's something nice. He's become well versed in his use of Observation haki and his daily sparring against each other made him a capable fighter. Both sis and I have encouraged him to find a Devil Fruit that would supplement his ability as a fighter or doctor, or maybe both. Yet, he chooses not to. Whatever, it's his loss.

Other than that, the last 2-3 months together has been a ride with all the crew members. We've had more than one close call against some of the escapees from Impel down...ok, maybe not for us but for our crew. The atmosphere on the ship was pretty much always bright, full of jokes, and overall happy. None of the crew (except for us) exactly had a happy childhood so maybe this was why they so desperately tried to hold onto moments like these.

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