Chapter 36

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I was starting to have so much pain in my pelvic area that I could cry. I felt so nasty and dirty and my baby was bearly moving. I was trying so hard not to panic. I grabbed the ice from the cup and started to eat it.

Come on mommy baby please move for me.! I said to my stomach rubbing it with tears on my tongue.

She still wasn't moving. I got up slowly to try to open the door again. I was in so much pain. I wanted to cry but I was in a worse situation than this I can handle it. I can.!

Please move baby.! I cried as the pain was getting worse.

If you move for mommy I promise when we get out of here I'm gonna buy you ice cream.! And chicken nuggets.! And strawberries.! And...

You must be hungry as fuck.! I heard a male voice say. I looked up and I thought my eyes was playing tricks on me. I stood to my feet slowly. Martavion was standing leaning by the doorway with a dumb smile on his face. I wiped my tears and he walked over to me.

Starving.! I said as the tears came down.

Ima feed you until you can't eat no more. He laughed. His lips touched mine and I kissed my man back. I was so happy to see him. I couldn't stop my tears. "Somebody else happy to see daddy too.!" He smiled hard holding one hand on my stomach as our daughter started to move. I was so relieved to feel her flutters.

She scared me. She wasn't moving all day I think somethings wrong.

Like what.? Let's get you to the hospital. He picked me up and carried me up some stairs the bright light from the outside was blinding me it was so bright. The fresh air smelt amazing and the warm sun light was kissing me. I wiped my tears and he helped me into the car.

I'm sorry.! I moved fast as I could day and night to find you.! He said before pulling off.

How did you find me.?!

Let's just say Kats really don't have 9 lives.!

He pulled up to the hospital and we went to the emergency room. They sent us up to labor and delivery. Although Kat never put her hands on me surprisingly she did starve me and deprived me of fluids. My body was so weak. I had to have two Ivs hooked up to me for fluid intake. I was so tired I couldn't help but drift off to sleep.

I kept jumping up out my sleep because I was scared this was all a dream. Even though Martavion didn't move a muscle he kept his eyes on me and made sure not to move while I slept. He assured me that I was okay and rubbed my stomach.

Hi Ms. Clarke.! The doctor spoke coming into the room.


I'm Doctor Hebert I'm the on call doctor. How are you feeling.? She asked coming over to me.

I'm okay now. I feel better. I was in a lot
Of pain earlier.

I can imagine why. Your stress levels where so high you could of kilt you and your baby.! Is everything okay.? She asked looking at us both.

I was under a lot of pressure these last couple days and I was severely stressed out.

Well we are gonna keep you for a day for monitoring. The baby is still nice and healthy she's looking good. She didn't move more than likely of her being scared and stressed. Your baby feels everything you feel. She said sternly before looking at Martavion.

Thank you.! I said grasping her attention back.

Also you get some rest. I'm going to be putting you on bed rest as well!

I can't do that.!

Oh you can and you will.! You need to rest your body has been over working this past week and all that straining isn't good for neither one of you. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. I've been taking Shit this whole pregnancy and being bound to bed rest wasn't gonna cut it for me. I looked at Martavion and he looked at me with "girl I wish you would try to get out that bed.!" Eyes. The doctor left out and I laid back to analyze my thoughts.

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