Chapter 78

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After putting all the kids to bed I sat in the kitchen listening to old school music drinking a glass of wine. This was so much well needed. I damn near wanted to stop breastfeeding so I can enjoy one every night. I heard the door open and the alarm system go off. Martavion was coming into the house. He placed his keys on the key bored and stood in front of me.

You know I love you right.? He asked looking down at me and to my eyes.


He bent down and kissed me so passionately. I loved when he put his all into a kiss. It felt like a breath of fresh air. He pulled me to my feet sitting the glass of wine on the island top. He placed my hand a in his and we swayed to the music slowly while I layed my head on his chest.

I just wanna let you know that today was crazy but I'm thankful everybody's okay.

I'm still stuck on Majesty having a bullet in her car seat.

I upped the security so you can feel safer.....I'm sorry that I put you through this shit Mag.!

It's a crazy life we live and i knew what came with this shit......I just have to protect them and keep them out of harms way at all times.

Which is why i want you to move back to Cali.....

What.?! No.! You just said that like your not coming.....?

I'm not.! It'll just be you and the kids. At least i know y'all safe and I don't have to worry about y'all all the time.

That's not how this shit works Martavion.! I yelled letting go of him and folding my arms.

And I don't wanna fuckin lose my family Magic.! He yelled back Intensely.

So you think sending us away would solve anything.? What if we lose you.? Huh...? Than what.? What if somebody come and take you away from us.....we're not here to help you or be by your side. You have me and THREE KIDS TO LIVE FOR. We are a fucking team we fight shit together not only am I your wife I'm your bestfriend did you forget that.!?

Noooo I didn't forget I'm scared okay.! You and them kids is my only fuckin weakness and I don't know what the fuck I would do if something was to happen to y'all.

Look at me.! (I grabbed his face) we fight together.! We're in this together through thick and thin, for better for worse. Until death do us apart.! From now on we be careful how we move and especially extra careful with our children. Because I refuse for my babies to grow up without a father. You are they're first friend, love, and forever soulmate.! We need you around here and we are not going anywhere Comprende.?!

He looked me in my eyes for what seemed like forever and nodded his head. I let go of him and sat in my chair. This was gonna be a hell of a journey for us.

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