Chapter 47

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I was so thirsty I woke up out my sleep. I kinda felt like I had morning sickness too. I looked at the time and it was 3am. I got up and went to the bathroom I felt like I had to pee. I turned on the bathroom light. And I started to pee on myself. I sat on the toilet and I heard a pop sound and water fall. I looked at the puddle on the floor than into the toilet.

I think that's my water not pee.! I said to my self out loud. I got up and went to get my phone.

Hey pretty girl what's up.! Bella answered happily.

Great your up.! Umm I got up because I thought I had to pee. I was walking into the bathroom and I thought I pissed myself. I sat on the toilet and I heard a pop sound and a water fall like a slow water fall. I think my water broke.

Your water definitely broke. Do you feel any pain or pressure.?

Just pressure. Like a lot of pressure.!

Okay wake Martavion up and I'll meet you at the hospital in an hour.

Okay.! Thank you. I hung up and I started to FaceTime lani. She was not answering at all. I called her again. And she finally answered all sleepy with drool on her mouth. "My water broke.!" I said calmly.

Mag are you serious or you joking.?

No I'm serious. I already called Bella meet me at the hospital in an hour.?!

Okay I'm getting up now. She said smiling so hard. I hung up the phone and turned on the hot water to take a quick shower. I took my sleeping pants off and snuck out the room to my moms room. I went and knocked on mama Jackson door first. I was trying not to wake papa up.

Ma.! Psssssss.! Ma.! I said quietly long enough for her to finally wake up. She got up and came running to the door.

What's wrong you okay.?!

I'm fine for now but my water just broke.!

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.! Where's Martavion.?! Are you ready.

I'm going to get in the shower after i wake my mom up. I already called Lani and Bella.

Okay I'm gonna grab my stuff. Want me to get you anything.?

Can you call the hospital and tell them we coming in.

Okay. Want me to wake papa or no.!?

Yeah you can you know he's going to kill us if we have her without him.

Okay baby go shower.

I headed across the hall to Vanessas room to wake her up. She jumped up so quick excited. Vanessa and Mama jackson was jumping up and down like little damn kids.

I went back upstairs to our bedroom and closed the door. I went to the bathroom and my contractions started. I could feel them in my vagina and back. I kept trying to take deep breaths like Bella said but damn these shits hurted. After it passed i waited for the next one and they where 10 minutes apart. I texted her to let her know and hurried up and showered.

I got out sitting on the edge of the bed. I was trying to take deep breaths as it passed through. "Baby.!" I started to shake Martavion to wake him up. "Bae.!" I yelled louder.

What bae.?! He asked half woke.

My water broke and I'm in pain.! I said with tears in my eyes.

You ready to go to the hospital.?


Okay I'm getting up. He sat up wiping the sleep out his eyes. He went to go pee than went in his closet to grab a sweater and put his nike slides on. He grabbed my bag, the baby bag and the car seat. Everybody met us downstairs and I was in so much pain. The contractions was now 8 minutes apart. Good thing we where like 20 minutes from the hospital.

When I got checked in the examin room I was 5 centimeters already. I blame Bella for sticking her fingers in me earlier. I was in so much pain I wanted to cry.

They finally moved me to my room where the pool was. I stripped completely naked and I tried to stand on my feet for a while with my head into Martavions chest as we rocked back and fourth.

She's going to be here soon baby stop crying!: he said as he swayed back and fourth with me.

It hurt so bad baby. I cried.

I know, I know.! Here get in the water now. He guided me to the water and I stepped in slowly. I was trying so hard to go without anything but it was getting harder and harder. I layed leaned over the rim of the juccuzi. Bella got in behind me massaging my lower back. My contractions was now 3 minutes apart. The pain was getting so unbearable. At this point I was crying. Martavion sat in front of me holding my hands.

I'm right here baby.! You gone be okay.! His voice was starting to be soothing in between contractions. They where now 1 minute apart.

Your 10 centimeters.! Your doing so well.! Bella said soothingly. A small team of doctors and nurses came in. "Okay ima count to 10 and you push as hard as you can okay Magic.!" "On this contraction start pushing.! 1,2,3, good, good, 6.!"

I was pushing my hardest holding on to Martavions arms. She got to 10 and I screamed out in pain. I was shaking in chills. I felt sick.

Come come on again hold to 10.! 1, 2, 3,

I pushed so hard on 10 screaming I felt like I wasn't making any progress. The room was silent while I cried my pain out as I began to push for the third time.

She has a head full of hair.! Bella said softly.

Martavion placed a cold pack on my head and the back of my neck because I was burning up. I felt cold though I was shaking. "I love you baby.! Your doing an amazing job.!" He said into my ear. I was getting ready to push again.

Come on come on come on.! Hold it for an extra couple seconds pushhhhh Magic.!

I can't, I can't.! I said breaking down crying.

Her head is out.! Bella said excitedly. "Last push Magic.!"

She's almost here baby, one more big push you got it okay.!

I felt my contractions coming and I pushed so hard, Martavion started crying immediately. I felt Bella pull her out and Lani started crying.

Why she not crying.? What's wrong with her.?! I asked crying panicking.

She's fine.! Bella smiled as I turned around to sit down.

She placed her firmly in my arms and I started crying so hard. I just gave birth. I am a mom now.! My daughter my whole world was here.! In my arms.

I'm proud of you baby.! Martavion said kissing my cheek as he wrapped the blanket around her small little body. Bella gave him the scissors to cut her cord and he couldn't stop crying. I was truly thanking god for all these amazing people and allowing him to be here for the birth of our daughter. Baby Majesty was finally here.!

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