Chapter 5. The Seer

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"And that concludes my explanation of the selection process. Any questions?" The secretary asked politely, as they arrived in front of the room the Academy had prepared for Celia.

"Only one. I somewhat know of the process prior to the admission in the watcher course, as I have studied it in the past. So I was aware that even last year, the exams only happened after 6 months of training. Why was the exam pushed forward this year, without allowing the participants to have the preliminary training?" She did not really care if the exam moved forward, she had secretly prepared for it for a long time already. Most of her free time was used for this purpose. She was just curious to know the reason.

"I was not informed what the exact reason was, but from my understanding it could be because of the housing. The Academy is quite large, but it is not only used for watchers. Pack doctors, trackers, betas, gammas and other warriors also learn here.

This year, the requests for the watcher course were many. Normally, there are only about 300 or more people, considering that there are only 3 watcher posts each year. But this year there are 10 posts available, hence the rise in the requests.

This is also why the exam is taking place now before normal classes for the other courses begin, it would normally be held in autumn not in the summer. So when the other students arrive, there will not be enough rooms for everyone."

The secretary was a professional. She answered the question without mockery or haughtiness. Celia could see that she did not look down at her for being the only female candidate, and for this she was grateful.

"Thank you for the information. I will be alright from here on out. Also I am sorry for taking so much of your time."

"It is alright. This is my duty." Briefly replied the secretary and for the first time smiled.

As the secretary had already accomplished her duty, Celia bid goodbye to her, before she started to arrange her clothes and check her room. It was not luxurious per say, but everything in it seemed brand new. She already knew the king put a lot of effort in education and personally oversaw the management and the budget. He even came each year for inspection.

Being away from her pack, she had thought she would feel somewhat sad, but she felt more at home here than in her pack territory, which was strange to say the least. The people she met so far who were only three in number, seemed far warmer than any of her pack members with her family included, beside her brother. Even the room prepared for her, felt more comfortable than the room she had at home.

Another plus to being away from her pack was that since she arrived at the airport or, perhaps even earlier than that, she did not experience the pain that haunted her these past few days. Not even a little bit of the pain that had previously affected her repeatedly each day, hurt her since she left the pack border, and she was away for more than twenty four hours already. By now it should have already started, if it were to follow the pattern from before.

The alarm she set on her phone went off half an hour before dinner, just as she finished organizing her things in the wardrobe and bathroom. Feeling quite hungry, she took a quick shower, changed into fresh clothes and hurriedly exited her room.

She found her way easily, following the maps on the hallways which pointed to the various rooms there were, and soon enough found the common room. Taking a deep breath, as she stood outside the door, she shakily put her hand on the doorknob. So far on her way here she did not see anyone, but inside there must surely be other people who came to eat.

She was bold enough to come to the selection, but she was not a people person and it was difficult for her to interact with other people, even for a normal small talk. She was even more frightened of gathering attention, for most likely being the only female candidate.

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