Chapter 31. Battle royale

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"I am sorry your highness! Please do not be mad at Councilman Reynolds. It was my selfishness to be here tonight, but please believe me I did not mean any disrespect. I can leave at this moment if you wish for me to do so! Yvonne quickly apologized. Her blue eyes filled with worry. To show her sincerity, she was even about to rise on her feet and truly leave it seemed.

Normally, seeing such a beautiful lady flustered because of him, any man would react and tell the lady not to leave. Normally, but unfortunately Salas was not any man, he was not gentle at all with women.

Celia had expected him to help the lady and prevent her from leaving, but he did not say anything. Even though he had been nothing but courteous to her so far, to lady Yvonne he had not spared a single glance. It made a seed of doubt sprout in her mind about his intentions to her.

"Lady Yvonne there is no need for you to leave, if I say you are my date tonight. Right, your highness?" Intervened councilman Reynolds.

He was satisfied that Salas was finally showing interest in someone, but he still had to make sure that the king truly liked Celia and had romantic intentions towards her. As such, he could not let go just yet of lady Yvonne. The lady had done nothing wrong so far and she should be given a chance too.

She was also the prime candidate he had chosen from many others, and an heir born from her would be as strong as one born from Celia, so he prevented her from leaving.

Not to mention, she could be used to test Celia's feelings towards the king. The feelings of lady Yvonne could be seen clearly, but Celia's face was unfortunately, as expressionless as the king's. Salas showed some indication through his actions somewhat, but he could not tell from her so far.

Salas did not say anything about what councilman Reynolds said, so lady Yvonne ended up remaining at the same table as them.

For the first part of the night, Celia had greeted and was introduced to many strong alphas.

By being at the king's table, she was also included in conversation each time someone came to greet the king.

Her position as an alpha of a pack of watchers, made the alphas respectful towards her. She would be one who, one day, could possibly pay a visit to their pack. By establishing some friendly relations now, if there were some problems and investigations later, perhaps she could lighten their sentences or at least judge fairly.

She was also respected because she came arm in arm with the king, and the king was known to respect strength. Although some might have suspected a deeper connection between the two, most were in fact sure she came as the king's partner because she was the first female watcher.

It was not that they thought she did not suit him, quite the contrary, most alpha and luna pairs at the ball thought they were a perfect match. They made a beautiful picture together.

The problem was the king, he was already a hundred years old and he had never had a lover before. Perhaps they were accustomed to him being by himself.

"Celia, I believe your parents should also be here tonight. Do you want to go meet them?" Salas asked near her ear, when there was a moment of peace.

She flinched at the mention of her parents, she knew she had to meet them, but she did not want to see them yet. She had thought she would go briefly to their dormitory, but only to reject Rayan and quickly leave.

Thankfully, she did not see them for the first part of the night, because for one they were seated at quite a distance away. For two, by using her werewolf sight she could spot them if she tried to, but she did not want to.

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