Chapter 22. Unavoidable circumstances

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In the dark infinite place, a single small soul was present. It was a small fluffy grey wolf with tinges of black. The little wolf was curled in a ball, with her tail covering her small nuzzle and her paws retracted under her abdomen.

Perhaps fearing the dark and loneliness, she kept trying to nestle more. This fact coupled with a slow whimpering voice that could be heard whisperingly from time to time, made a heart breaking image.

"What's the matter small wolf?" Said someone using the mind link, as she was appearing from behind.

Hearing the gentle voice, the small wolf slowly opened her eyes and raised her head. The presence of someone else besides herself was a cause of joy for the small furry ball in the vast cold place.

In front of her, a bigger white wolf pup was majestically wagging her tail. She was enchanting with her fur so white that it almost seemed translucent, and her grey eyes that sparkled looking at her. The bigger wolf pup lowered herself to the small one's level and asked her again slowly.

"Why are you trembling?" She gently said, using a soft soothing voice.

"I will soon disappear!" The pup replied through her mind, her face and eyes full of sorrow and anxiety.

"Why do you think so?" Asked again gently the bigger wolf.

"Because no one has claimed me yet. I do not even have a name. Do you have one?" The little wolf admitted with a smaller voice, then asked the same question to the bigger wolf.

"Yes, my name is Luna." The white wolf responded.

"What does it mean? It is beautiful." Appreciated the small grey pup, her eyes shining.

"It means moon." Replied the white wolf who had already laid herself near the smaller one, cuddling her. Then she continued, seeing the eager eyes in front of her.

"Do you want a name small wolf?"

"Yes, I want one also. But who will give me one?" She said sad, she had long ago given hope for ever receiving one.

"I will. How about this, from this moment onwards we will share the meaning of my name. Do you know of the phases of the moon?" She asked. And the small wolf turned her head from side to side as if to deny knowing.

"When we look from the Earth to the moon, we will not see the moon completely each time, or better said a full moon. As such how much we can see from it, or each phase, has a different name. It takes the waning gibbous phase and waxing crescent phase together to make the image of one full moon. From this moment onwards you shall become Crescent and I will be Waning."

Celia had been drifting in and out of sleep for some time now, she dreamt of the dream she saw when she was smaller, a dream that she kept having as a child. It was of the two most important beings in her life, her two wolves. Many times when she was feeling sad, many times when she noticed the differences of treatment whether consciously or not... she would see this dream. It would always comfort her for some reason, and make her want to rest more, to continue seeing it.

 But she eventually forced herself to open her eyes when she could no longer stand the aching in her throat, though she could barely distinguish some light. Quite difficultly she opened her eyes, before trying to mend her throat by coughing a bit.

Placing her trembling hand on her neck, she felt around it trying to sooth the pain. Her throat felt dry and filled with small prickling needles.

"Would you like some water?" She heard a mesmerizing hoarse voice say gently. She did not know who it was, but she felt safe in the presence of this person.

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