Chapter 4

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Who the fuck is Jonas? She seemed scared of him by the way she tensed up by only hearing his name

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Who the fuck is Jonas? She seemed scared of him by the way she tensed up by only hearing his name. Did the motherfucker hurt her? He better not have fucking hurt my angel. She's too much of a nice and bright person. How could people even consider trying to hurt her?

I was currently following my innocent lavender to World History. I showed her my schedule and it appears we have all of the same classes except on Thursday where I have Rugby and she has track. Many people think just because I misbehaved sometimes that meant that I was stupid. I actually did really well in school. Always scoring A's or A+'s

To be honest, I should of guessed she does track. Her legs are amazing. I image what I would be like to have her thick thighs beside my hips as I pound into her. The heel of her foot digging into my back as she reaches her high.

She's dragging me along by my hand because I don't know where I'm going. I don't think she notices it yet but she's practically holding hands with me. When I make her mine fully, I intend to be holding her hand all the time no matter what. I don't how I'm going to fully make her mine but I will no matter what. And no man and I mean no man will get in my way.

When we went arrived at the classroom, a lot of prying eyes turned to us because of the fact I'm "the new hot boy". Girls would sit there staring at me with lust-filled eyes while whispering to the girl next to them. Boys would either glare at me for taking all the girls' attention or be eyeing My Lavender up and staring at her breast. Who do the think they are? Fucking mongrels. They don't stand a god damn chance.

I'm really fucking starting to despise the outfits she wearing. The tight top clung to her big breasts like a second skin and the short skirt ,that didn't even reach her knees, made it easy for the wind to accidentally blow it up and show everyone her barely covered pussy. No one but me should see that. No one.

Lavender  must of been uncomfortable with the attention as she dropped my hand and began walking away with her head down. As she walked past a desk, I saw some stupid jock purposefully push his pen off the desk.

"Oh shit sorry Baby. Can you pick that up?" That fucking son of a bitch. He better not be doing what I fucking think he's doing.

Lavender being the kind innocent girl gave him a soft smile and then went to pick up the pen but before she could bend down, I went up to her and stood behind her. Her ass was on my crotch. I bent down and pulled her up by her waist. Even though the situation is shit, I couldn't  help imagine all the different ways I could pleasure her in this position.

"What the fuck do you think your fucking doing?-" his eyes widened and everyone turned around to look at us. I tightened my grip on Lavender's thick hips because of how angry I was and leaned to the side of her so I was in front of the little twat and whispered menacingly to him "- ever fucking try something again like that on my angel and I'm gonna bloody shove that pen down your throat."

I leaned back up and saw everyone with wide eyes staring at what's going on. I didn't want to scare the angel in my arms so all I did was threaten him. She seemed really soft and if I hurt someone in front of her, I knew she'd be scared of me.

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