Chapter 39

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I have absolutely no idea
where to go with this story😂😂
Any ideas my dudes?

I also had a massive breakdown
yesterday and just found
myself crying.
I had a major headache and it was hard to look at my phone screen but I didn't want to
disappoint y'all
So there may be so spelling mistakes



We drove in silence on the way home

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We drove in silence on the way home. Before we got in the car to go home, Carlos brought me to a really nice and cozy restaurant. It wasn't anything fancy but it had a comfortable and homely feel to it. The interior was like one of them cottages and it had a bit of a retro aspect to it. The colours were soft but the furniture was quite unique and bold; completely opposite. I loved it.

The food there was amazing too. I had chicken with chips and the chicken was done fabulously. Not too burnt but not to raw. The chips had cheese on them and were crispy. Just how I liked them. Carlos had steak and a salad side. His steak looked amazing but really red. I don't know much about any meat but chicken so I didn't know if that was a normal thing with steak. The salad looked normal too ;lettuce, carrots, tomatoes. The usual stuff you would have on a salad.

There weren't many people there and that made my experience there even better. I didn't really like packed and crowded rooms and preferred to be with close friends and family. I'm thankful Carlos took that into consideration when deciding where to take me to eat.

I also learnt a bit more about him while we were in there. I learnt his favourite food was steak and his favourite colour was red. He prefers crime documentaries over action films and likes to play rugby(which I already knew)and badminton(which was quite a surprise as I quite liked badminton too). He's never had a massage before and doesn't like agitating noises like clicking pens and feet tapping against floors. I was a bit shocked at some of this information. I didn't expect him to play a sport like badminton. He looked like he played sports that were rougher like football and rugby.

I looked out the window saw we were driving through his neighbourhood now. I was beginning to get bored. It was dark outside and the radio said it was approximately 10:13. We had been out for around 3-4 hours.

I turned to Carlos and grabbed the hand he had on my knee and brought it closer up and onto my thigh. I placed it there and played with his rings.

They were really interesting. The patterns and intricate designs intrigued me. He had some with colours and the little swirls the gems would have were gorgeous. They were like nothing I had ever seen before. I took the ring I had on my finger off and placed it on Carlos' fingers. It's only fit on his pinky and I blushed at the obvious size difference as it fit on my middle finger. I placed my hand above his and his were so large. I giggled and blushed more.

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