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Before Slughorn's lesson ended the other day, he called for Tom, Primrose, and Abraxas to tell them about the Slug Club meeting.

Which Primrose was on her way to. She entered the meeting room, only to find Tom Riddle and a Gryffindor student were already seated at the long desk.

Primrose took a seat beside the Gryffindor, opposite of Tom. That's when Slughorn entered, together with Abraxas.

"Hello everyone, thank you for being able to join this meeting. It would be a short meeting as I want to introduce all of you our new member, Primrose Quinton. I believe you have all seen her the other day during the Quidditch match?" Slughorn grinned.

"So i've seen. In class, and the match." Abraxas said.

"It was an exemplary performance." The Gryffindor smiled. She smiled humbly, "Thank you."

Slughorn looked at the four of them before speaking up, "I believe Tom and Abraxas had known Primrose because they have lessons together. So, Primrose, this is Longbottom."

Longbottom held out his hand for a handshake and Primrose took it, "Prim."

Thankfully, her right hand didn't hurt that much anymore and Longbottom did not shake it violently.

"So, what do you think of Slytherin? In Quidditch, of course." Longbottom asked playfully. Primrose opened her mouth, trying to find the right words since she didn't want to offend any Slytherin there, "Slytherins are... passionate."

"You mean crazy?" Longbottom asked and Primrose shrugged jokingly, "Yeah but I didn't want to sound disrespectful."

Slughorn laughed, together with the rest except for Tom. It's normal for him to have that cold expression 24/7.

"How was Quidditch? Heard that you're new to it." He asked and Primrose just smiled, "Well, I almost lost my head. Twice."

One from the rogue bludger and one from an extreme hair pulling.

Slughorn chuckled, "Well... Mara is tough. No matter how many times we told her to not do things like that, she would still do them. But we've heard from Dumbledore about your idea. We thought it's brilliant and maybe it could really help Mara."

Primrose smiled, "I can tell that she's just upset. But she doesn't have the right coping mechanism to help her manage. Someone like her needs help, not punishment."


Everyone fell silent and Primrose looked up to Tom. He raised his eyebrows.

I did it again.

Slughorn leaned closer to the table, "Coping mechanism... Miss Quinton, you always use these advanced words. If I may ask, is there any doctor in your family?"

She grinned, "My father. He's a scientist actually but he was a surgeon so yes, he is a doctor. Now, my father focuses more on research technology—inventions."

She continues, "My mother on the other hand, used to work with a military organisation."


"Are you muggle-born then?" Abraxas asked and it seemed to catch Tom's interest. Primrose shook her head, "No. My mother went to Ilvermorny. She was a Pukwudgie."

"Interesting, Miss Quinton. No wonder you have both brain and strength. Considering she's with the army, I guess her loyalty as a Pukwudgie showed there." Slughorn said in awe. She chuckled, "Thank you, sir."

The teacher then said, "So tell us more about this coping mechanism."

"Coping mechanism is something that we do to alter certain emotion we're feeling. For example, if you're feeling sad, you listen to music because music makes you happy. When you listen to music, you get distracted from the sadness. So music, is the coping mechanism." Primrose explained.

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