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"I wish something interesting would happen these days."

Bored. I was bored. Extremely, excruciatingly bored.

These days we're long days. All we had to do was run, run for days. I was never the best one that wanted to join the survey corpse, but I've always believed that I would made it.

Once when I was a kid, I played outside with some friends. Running and playing in the mud. I kept running, and suddenly a dog attacked me from the left, biting me in my right thigh. It bled like crazy and my mom carried me, running to a small hospital where they helped people. I remember that it was busy, and that I was supposed to wait.

'It wasn't that bad.'

I got taken care of an hour later, flesh hanging loose and slowly losing blood. In the end my leg made it, I made it. But I could never show my full self while doing tasks and training for the survey corpse. Even though that's not possible I am a 100 percent sure that I will make it to the survey. I want to know what's behind those walls, I don't want to live this miserable life I've been living ever since my family got eaten by those titans.

I will never forget that day. I can still remember it clearly as if it was yesterday.

We lived in the most outer walls, Shiganshina District to be exact. It was a pretty normal day, I was playing outside with my brother and my mom was cooking in the kitchen. She was able to cook the most amazing things with the little food we had. We we're always poor, living of our own garden. I can still remember the scent of what she was cooking at that exact moment. It wasn't something that I liked, but the smell suddenly dissappeared when a great gust of wind blew the smell away. Hard sounds and screaming everywhere. My mom picked me up and hid me in the closet.

"Lena, darling. I love you."

I can still remember the frightening look on her face. But at the same time she was able to smile.

"You have to stay here sweetheart, I'll grab your big brother real quick."

She kept smiling and closed the door.

That's the last glimpse I ever had of my mother and brother.

I can still hear the screams of them getting eaten by probably a titan. I don't know if they got eaten by a titan. But once the noise was gone, all that was left was a leg.

"-Oy, Lena."

Suddenly someone tapped me on my shoulder, hitting me a little too hard.

"Hey! Stop."

I turned around and my some kind of good mood instantly dissapeared. "What do you want." I said. He pushed me against the tree, holding one of my shoulderss in his hand tightly and pushing his other hand against my left chest. "Ough Eren stop."

I flinched. "You're totally day dreaming and that's not supposed to happen here Lena." He put even more strength into pushing me against the tree. I could feel his breath against my cheeks. I opened my eyes and he was extremely close. "Aint this nice Lena?"

I forced all my strength onto him and pushed him away, blocking his arm and took a big step back. "Fuck off Eren, can't you do anything else then always pushing against me?"
He smirked. "I could do something else."

"Fuck off Eren leave her alone."

Sasha grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"Lena you gotta learn to stand up for yourself. You're soft and he takes advantage of that. You're easy to manipulate." She held my hand tightly which was a sign that she was worried.

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