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The sun rises as it did every other day. A bored Touya was seen wandering around the kitchen, scavenging things for his first meal. The sound of his roommate's door captivates his full attention and sees a girl stepping out. He wasn't too fazed by this, since he heard the usual erotic sounds coming from the room when he returned last night. That's right, last night didn't go so well. A shirtless Hawks followed her out and he noticed Dabi hanging out in the kitchen. After watching the woman exit, the blonde boy flies in to interrogate his friend.

"I see all your hickeys"

"It's a good thing your eyes work"

"So how was last night?"


He stopped and thought about his words. He couldn't tell Hawks that he called out his name before getting fucked, therefore leaving the sex part incomplete. The black-haired boy sighed and restated his answer.

"Sex was great, it's a miracle I can walk"

"Woah! Are you gonna see him again?"

"Hell no, dude was annoying as fuck, I could barely hold a conversation"

The two males laugh at his updates and take out eggs and bread to make breakfast. It had been a while since the two of them cooked together, for Hawks it was insignificant, but Dabi wanted to cherish these moments.

"Hey Kei?"


"Why do you like sleeping around so much?"

The question was struck as extremely odd to Keigo because he didn't think Dabi would be so curious. But he couldn't blame him, after all, it would happen almost every night, interrupting his sleep. Hawks, however, had never thought about the question himself. Why did he sleep around so much?

"I guess it's because I can't do a stable relationship"

"Is that so.."

"Yeah, I mean girls can be such a pain sometimes, and being restrained is not my thing"

"Then why not try with a guy?"

The atmosphere turned cold and awkward as Dabi made the question. He sincerely hoped this wouldn't strike his best friend as suspicious, since it was pretty weird. Even if he knew the answer to this, he had to make sure there was no hope.

"I.. I don't know, I really don't know, why? do you like me or something shithead?" Touya knew better than take this sentence seriously and giggled as a response.

"Don't make me vomit, I'm just asking for a friend"

"Who's this friend! Tell me tell me tell me"

"Shut your face, I ain't telling you shit"

"Well tell your friend I am not looking for a relationship right now, and I'm a straight man so guys aren't my thing, sorry"

"Alright, I'll let him know"

A sharp pain pierced through Dabi's chest, he didn't expect to be this hurt. Of course, what was he thinking? Getting himself sad over this. Time skipped and they were now on the couch eating their scrambled eggs and toast.

"Hey Kei?"

"You're talkative today"

"Ugh fuck you, nevermind"

"No, what is it?"

"If we didn't know each other.. do you think we would've dated?"

"What's up with you today? Jeez"

"What's your answer though?" He remained persistent, he had to know, it was now or never. It was eating him alive, the constant daydreaming has to come to an end. Hawks furrowed his brows, formulating a decent answer, without any misunderstandings.

"I mean, you're pretty hot, I'd let you fuck me if I was gay"

"That wasn't what I asked though, would we have dated?"

"I'd say maybe, but that's not how things worked out. Now stop being such a bitch and quit it with the questions, I have a test to study for" Hawks finished the tense conversation, getting up and making his way to the room. It wasn't that he was irritated by his roommate, but his strange attitude was concerning. In the end he brushed it off, perceiving it as a dumb conversation with Touya.

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