22: Safe

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(Your POV)

You know that feeling when you sense someone watching you?

That's what I felt as soon as I walked into the restaurant. It's probably just the feeling of everyone watching me walk in holding Tom Holland's hand.

It makes me feel uncomfortable and somehow Tom is able to notice. "Baby, don't let their stares affect you. They're just fans, it's okay."

I nod my head and Tom gives me a soft smile which I return.

The waiter brings us to our table and gives us our menus. We all sit down and Tom is on the right of me and Harry is to my left. Then across from Tom is Haz, across from me is Mai, and Sami is across from Harry.

Tom has his hand on my leg underneath the table. We are all talking and laughing about random stupid things the whole time. The whole 'someone is watching me' feeling is gone.

Last time the six of us went to restaurant together I didn't feel too well. I don't mean physically, I mean I was nervous and anxious. The thing is no one noticed, because I was covering it all with a fake smile.

Well Tom still noticed. I don't know how but he can see through me like I'm made of glass. He is always willing to make me feel better too. He tells me that everything's ok and he will help me through anything.

This time, I feel happy. Not the feeling, but it's more like a mentality.

I feel like nothing can stop me. I feel confident, talkative, and safe.


Yes, being around these people in my life make me feel safe. I feel like I could talk about anything without being judged. Like they understand me more than any other people have.

Tom though, he makes me feel a way I can't explain. Like the word safe times one hundred.

Every time I'm around him I know no one can hurt me. He wants to protect from anything that will affect me in a negative way, mentally and physically.

Mai makes a funny joke about the old couple sitting close to us and we all have to hold in our laughs.

"Jesus Mai!" I say and everything just gets even funnier.
Before I know it it's time to leave the restaurant. We pay for our food and start walking around town.

It's dark and pretty cold, I start shivering but I try to hide it.

Someone walks past us in a black hoodie and they look super familiar. As I'm trying to think of who that may be Tom says something.

"Darling," Tom whispers next to me as we're walking with the group.

"What?" I whisper back.

"I can tell you're cold, do you want my jacket?"

"But then you'll be cold."

"So? You deserve it more than I do."

I take a deep breath. "Yes I want your jacket." I mumble.

Tom chuckles with a smirk. "That's what I thought."

He takes off his jacket and hands it to me. I put it on and I immediately feel more warm.

I notice Tom just smiling at me.

"What?" I ask with a smile, I can't help it.

"You look cute wearing my clothes." He says and takes my hand. We intertwine our fingers together and I blush before looking at the ground.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome love."

We go into a small shop selling cute clothing. The store has a very nice aesthetic to it.

We look around for a little while but I don't end up buying anything. I mean, I have enough clothes anyways that I still haven't got the chance to wear yet.

As we are walking out of the store Sami points out an ice cream shop that she loves. The group gets excited and we start to run towards it.

Of course since I'm the one wearing boots, I step on my foot wrong and twist my ankle. I stop running but the group kept going.

"Hey w—" I start to say before I feel a person behind me. They cover their hand over my mouth so I can't speak. I try to scream and kick them but nothing is working.

Then I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head before everything goes black.
(Tom's POV)

We get to the the ice cream shop when I notice I don't see Y/n.

"Hey guys, where's Y/n?" I ask concerned.

They all look around. "I don't know."

I start to freak out. How could I just forget about her? God I'm such a terrible boyfriend already.

I can tell Haz is also panicking.

"Well we have to go find her right?" He says.

Before anyone can say anything I rush out the doors. I look around but there's no one.

"Y/n!?" I yell. What could have happened to her.

Haz follows me soon after. "Let's try looking by that clothing shop we just went to." He says.

"Yea yea." I say quickly before jogging off in that direction.

The rest of the group is behind us, at least I think. I haven't really been looking at them. I'm focused on finding Y/n.

When Haz and I get there we start slowly walking around and looking for her.

"Mate." Haz says in an almost whisper.

"What?" I ask impatiently.

"Look." He points to a piece of paper on the ground.

I pick it up and read it. It says,

"You're never getting her back. No matter how hard you try.


I clench my fist in anger. It must be that crazy ex she told me about.


"Fuck!" I yell without thinking. I don't even care anymore, the only thing that matters is making sure Y/n is ok.

Then I remember what she told me, the things he tried to do to her. I put and hand to my face.

Then the rest of the group gets over to us.

"Did you find her?" Harry asks.

"No," I take a deep breath. "Look at this." I hand him the paper.

When he looks up again, his face is filled with pure fear and sadness. Just like the rest of us.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 {𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Where stories live. Discover now