36: Leaving Atlanta

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(Mai's POV)

~End of flashback~

I know Tom is trying to hide how upset he really is but it's not working. He's not acting like his usually happy self, he's just sitting there silently watching the floor. He has been looked at the floor so long that he's probably memorized it's patterns.

I know it sounds wrong for me and Sami to just kick Y/n out of the apartment so suddenly, but I don't think I could stand to be around her right now. None of us can.

She hurt us, she lied to us, and she couldn't even admit it.

(Your POV)

Everything is packed and I'm on my phone trying to find a flight. Funnily enough, I find one just as easy as I did when I first flew here. It leaves in a few hours, perfect I guess.

It's perfect for Mai and Sami. They want me gone, they're so mad at me that they kicked me out of their apartment without even being willing to talk about it. Like come on, I know it's their apartment but we're best friends!

Or we were I guess, I don't really know anymore. I don't know what my friendship right now is with anyone in our group. The only thing I know for sure is that Tom and I broke up. He's one of my ex's now, but I don't want to think about him that way. He's more than that, he made me happy and that's more than any of my other ex's can say.

Like true happiness, the one that you can just feel when you two hang out. The feeling that no matter what you know they'll be there. That's true happiness.

Tom doesn't give me that happiness anymore, because now I know he won't be there. If he walked into a room though, I would immediately feel a little more safe. Even if he's just, 'one of my ex's' he still means a lot to me.

I still love him.
~Hours later, at the airport~

As I'm waiting for my flight to be called I decide to check my phone. I first open Instagram, it's probably a bad idea but what do I really have to lose?

I notice that I got some mean comments on my most recent post and my followers have gone down a few thousand. Confused I look at my mutual following to see that Tom, Harry, and Harrison all unfollowed me. It's good to see though that Mai and Sami are still my friends. Well, friends according to Instagram.

The more I look I at the mean comments I notice what they are really saying. At first it was things like 'you're a horrible person' or 'I thought you were better than that', but then I saw more specific ones.

Lizzyxx: did y'all see Haz's post? Is this fr?

Marvell: @lizzyxx yea I'm pretty sure it is.

I go to check Harrison's page and I'm glad to see he hasn't blocked me. His newest post is a picture of me and him that he took on his phone.

The caption says this: Today one of best friends betrayed me. She was just trying to use me and my mates for more followers. @Y/nY/n why? Remember guys, if you feel a relationship you have with someone is toxic, end it.

Is he trying to ruin my life? Why would he give the whole world access to this horrible lie? I would never use someone for more followers!

Tears threaten to fall but I push them back, I've cried too much over the past few hours. Taking deep breaths I try to distract myself with the things around me. There's not much to see though, except for a gross teenage couple making out a few seats down from me.

I cringe and turn my head away from them. Then I hear them call my flight. As I make it to my seat I get another punch in the face. The two people sitting next to me are the gross horny teenagers I saw. I roll my eyes as I sit down, at least I have the aisle seat.

As soon as the plane takes off I fall asleep, I need some rest after everything that happened today.
The huge bump of the plane landing jolts me awake. I thought it would be more excited to come back here, but I just feel numb. I'm tired even though I took about a 3 hour nap.

After we are able to leave the plane I grab my carry-on and speed walk out. Everyone else around me seems excited or just a little happy, but I probably look like a mess. My hair in a very messy bun, I'm wearing a huge hoodie with matching sweatpants, and off-white sneakers. I guess I don't look that rough, but I barely have any makeup on and I look severely depressed.

As I walk into my apartment I realize how much I hated living alone. I wouldn't just live with anyone though, I would only live with a friend or someone I trust. It would be way too awkward to just get a random roommate.

I've seen that in way too many love stories and I'm not really looking for that right now. Also, what if my roommate ends up being a horrible person? Like, what if they're a murderer, or a serial killer? I don't want get involved with that, or even be killed!

Ok I need to stop thinking about that.

After putting all my stuff back in my room it's about 9:30pm. I'm so tired that I decided to go to sleep now, I need to try to relax after all the chaos of today.

~In the morning~


I slam my hand down onto my phone and rub my eyes. Why the hell did my alarm turn on? Ugh, it's only 7:00am.

I try to go back to sleep but I just can't. Sighing, I get up and lazily walk to the kitchen to get a drink, grabbing my phone as I leave my room. My hair is a complete mess and I'm still in my pajamas that consists of shorts covered by my baggy t-shirt. I'll just get ready later, I tell myself.

After about 15 minutes scrolling through Pinterest trying to find new makeup looks to try, I get a knock at my door. I flinch and stand up, fixing my hair as I walk to it.

After I open the door I never in a million years would have excepted who was standing there.


...cliffhanger!! Haha yea, sorry not sorry. I promise I'm trying to update as fast as I can while also making sure they are quality chapters. Please be patient and know that I'm writing as often as I can! Thank you.


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 {𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang