Operation Clexa is a go 😏

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* raven added cheekbones, indra, hope, echo, luna, and octavia to 'Clexa' *

Luna : raven what is this?

Raven : clexa obv?

indra : didn't think you'd actually have to make a gc for them but they are too fucking clueless

octavia : woah language indra language

echo : 🙄🙄🙄 they are really clueless tho

raven : that is why i've invited you all here today we are going to come up with a plan to get those to together!

hope : ok what do you have in mind?

raven : i was thinking locking them in a room together 🤷‍♀️

luna : no that wouldn't work they'd just figure out a way out

echo : yeah lunas right we need to figure out a solid plan

octavia : maybe we could build up the tension between them two?

raven : but how?

hope : make one of them jealous?


hope : really? huh that was just a guess...

echo : i would've never thought of that good job hope

raven : W H I P P E D

echo : huh?

indra : jesus christ

raven : who tf is jesus?

indra : *facepalm*

(meanwhile at clexas pov)

Clarke and Lexa were hanging out for the millionth time. Clarke felt safe and protected with Lexa, something she never felt with Finn... no Clarke stop thinking about him it will only bring up painful memories.

"Hey Clarke? Are you alright?" Lexa asked concerned as to why Clarke has started to tense up and get emotional. Clarke didn't realize her bodies response to thoughts about Finn and Clarke couldn't hold in the pain she'd been feeling when Lexa looked at her like she actually cared, Clarke broke down crying in Lexa's arms.

Lexa held Clarke wanting to beat the shit out of the person that had caused her this pain, but at the same time she felt her own tears sting her eyes at how broken and vulnerable Clarke is. Lexa was really starting to get protective and caring of Clarke and she knew she had fallen hard for Clarke the moment they met. Lexa smiled at the memory, but then mentally scolded herself at thinking of happy memories when Clarke wasn't happy.

"I- I'm so sorry Lex i.." Clarke had just calmed down a bit, "there is no need to apologize Clarke. if you are comfortable what is bothering you?" Lexa surprised herself with the question more then it surprised Clarke.

Clarke sighed closed her eyes for a moment and opened them and told Lexa how she was in an sexually, emotionally, and physically abusive relationship with a guy named Finn. Her ex then stalked her and refused to leave her alone. Lexa felt angry that a person would want to hurt person like Clarke. "Clarke I am generally sorry and i know you dont want pity but i'm here, i'm here if you wanna talk, i'm here if you wanna hangout, i'm here if that mf tries something i will protect you with my life Clarke even tho i have just met you." Clarke smiled and hadn't even thought of what she was doing she cared and had love for lexa that was undeniable at best, she didn't understand it. Clarke knew she was in fact bi but grew to hate that part of herself when she was with Finn.

Clarke leaned in and captured Lexa's lips. Clarke immediately forgot all her problems when she was kissing Lexa, her taste- god she would never forget the sweetness of Lexa's plump lips that moved so gently against hers. Lexa felt her heart was going to explode, Clarke lips were on hers and she wasn't dreaming, she couldn't help a smile that tugged at her lips once they pulled apart as oxygen became a necessity. they both smiled at each other on a mutual understanding that they both felt.


Raven : guys i think clexa is fucking

luna : why?

raven : i hadn't hurt from them in a while

indra : *sipping her tea*


lexa : 🙄 we are not 'fucking'

clarke : i'm happy now

raven : alright if princess is happy something either really fucking good happened or it's the end of the world

cheekbones : well let's hope it's a nuclear apocalypse and not a zombie one

raven : tru dat tru dat

luna : *rolls eyes*

lexa : i'm going to go cuddle with clarke see ya 👋

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