CLARKE What did you do to the commander?

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Clarke's POV
I was the first one to wake up out of Lexa and I, we ended up having a few more rounds and by a few I mean almost the whole night.

Lexa body was on top of mine, her head on my chest as to reassure herself that I'm actually there.

We both aren't wearing any clothes so imagine the surprise when Raven decides to burst into our room, "HEY CLEXA— AGHH MY EYES!" Raven shouts, covering her eyes with her hand.

I pull the blanket around us, "Raven Get. Out." I grit out, angry at my best friend for not only barging in when Lexa was most vulnerable but waking her up also.

Raven walks out of my house still screaming, Lexa groans and tries to snuggle back into my chest to fall back asleep but she's already awake.

"I'm sorry babe, i- if i'd known Rae would've done that i would've locked the door." Lexa dismisses my apology with a wave of her hand mumbling something about food.

(group chat)

Raven : damn there are some questionable marks on Lexa people! wth did you do to the commander Clarke!

anya : questionable marks?

raven : Yes! like um uh marks other than hickies yk? like kinky marks?

luna : tf? Clarke?

octavia : oh i am LIVING for this!

Clarkey: tf you want? i'm trying to make Lexa breakfast 😒

echo : damn she even avoiding the subject

Clarkey: tf you want me to say?

raven : tell us about these... questionable kinky marks i saw on lexa!

clarkey : i- um...

Lexa's POV)

I'm sitting on the couch by Clarke eating my breakfast, while Clarke is probably texting the groupchat.

All of the sudden she goes bright red as her breathing picks up, I frown at her worried about her change in behavior.

"Clarke?" I say in a soft tone reserved for only Clarke. Blue eyes snap to meet my own green ones, "um yeah?" Clarke stutters, I frown at her again,

"Clarke what's wrong?" I ask her wearily.

"i- um raven saw the uh the um marks..." I nod not getting as to why this is so important.

"Alright. you can tell them if you want." I say smiling at her.

Clarke's eyes widen and she blinks a few times as if she's processing what I just said. and then she nods blankly staring back at her phone.

(group chat)

Raven : so clarkey any day now!

clarke : um.. i uh those marks are uh from the sex we had last night.

raven : damn princess i didn't know you were that kinky

clarkey: RAVEN!

raven : what? it's true!

lexa : *sighs* Rae stop pestering Clarke about this. She is obviously uncomfortable.

anya : Lex heyyyy are you even able to walk?

lexa : seriously anya?

anya : yes seriously.

lexa : i- yes i can walk.

clarkey : but you can't sit 😏

lexa : CLARKE!!!


indra : fucking children i swear.

luna :

octavia : i'll get the popcorn 🍿

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octavia : i'll get the popcorn 🍿

lincoln : hey don't eat all of it!

octavia : sorry babe!

echo : this is just amazing

hope : agreed

clarkey: nor can you stand without wobbling like a baby deer walking for the first time 😉😏


clarkey: mhmm you know i'm right.

lexa : clarkeeeee .....

clarkey : i have throughly fucked you and i'm proud.

lexa : ........



anya : Kansjsjsnsndbjehshshsbdjsbdhdjshsjs

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