A friend date

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Vaggie reading a newspaper on the front yard on the stairs and Alastor comes outside and sits next to Vaggie

Alastor:first time you took interest on a newspaper

Vaggie:hardy har har its not that im interested in the newspaper its what its showing and telling us, look *shows the newspaper that has pictures of Rosie and her friends dead* and it says there has been another myster murder, no weapons no footprints or even finger prints and they have been found dead yesterday

Alastor's mind:great job you have done very well*his shadow smiles in the dark shade so it doesn't get seen by Vaggie*

Alastor:it is odd *hears rustling from the bushes*?

Vaggie:what is it-


Vaggie and Alastor looks at the rustling bushes and comes out a wolf


Alastor:stay back Vaggie I'll-

Vaggie:Luna!*the wolf wags tail and runs to vaggie and licks her*

Alastor:huh? So this wolf is your friend?

Vaggie:yep I named her Luna since I met her at night

Alastor:and how exactly did you meet her?

Vaggie:i helped her out of a bear trap when she was a pup but apparently she has been growing with me *nuzzles Luna's face* Luunnaa lick attack! *Luna runs at Alastor and tackles him down licking him*

Alastor:ah! wha-hey s-s-stop that laughs*

Vaggie:laughs* ok ok Luna you can stop*Luna gets off of alastor*

Alastor:breaths* well played vaggie well played

Vaggie:giggles a bit and helps Alastor up*

Alastor:anyways i came out here to ask you something


Alastor:I was thinking that you and I could go on a friend date since you have been down lately

Vaggie:sure Alastor that sounds fun

Alastor's mind:she said yes! calm down Alastor its a friend date

Alastor:great its a date *noticed what he just said and facepalmed*

Vaggie:laughs a bit*i don't need to wear anything fancy do I?

Alastor:no not really

Vaggie:great! come on Luna grandpa is gonna be happy when he sees you*goes inside with Luna*

Alastor:breaths in and out* when am I going to tell her?*goes inside*

Hours later
They both got ready in their normal clothes

Vaggie:ok done *wears her moms Jacket and looks at the mirror*....sighs*

Grandfather:you look Just like your mother when you wear that

Vaggie:yep *keeps looking in the mirror*

Alastor:knocks on the door even though its already open* knock knock ready for our date Vaggie?

Vaggie:all set

Grandfather:a date?! *he said shockingly*

Vaggie:its a friend date Grandpa not an actual date

Grandfather:phew good cause you two aren't ready to date eachother yet

Both Vaggie and Alastor blushed

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