The calling

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After the group saw what they never expected, they all went through a portal that Alastor summoned, but before Vaggie went through a portal, she heard a singing melody from someone "ah ah oh oh oh"

Vaggie:huh? *looks around but sees nothing*

Alastor:Vaggie dear you alright?'s nothing I thought I heard some thing *goes through the portal after Alastor*

After the adventure they had, they all decided to have a few days break from the adventure they had, but in those few days Vaggie always hears the same melodies when ever she was alone and starting to think that it was calling for her

In Hazbin hotel every one was asleep

???:"ah ah oh oh"

Vaggie:tries to ignore it in her sleep*....

???:"ah ah oh oh"

Vaggie:wakes up, sits up, and looks at the windows*....

???:"ah ah oh oh oh oh"

Vaggie:starts to sing* I can hear you...but I wont, some look for trouble while others don't, there's a thousand reasons I should go about my day and ignore your whispers which i wish would go away. Oh oh oh

???:"ah ah oh oh.....oh"

Vaggie:oh oh *closes eyes*

???:"ah ah oh oh"

Vaggie:you're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear and if I hear you, which i don't, I'm spoken for I fear.
Everyone I ever loved is here within these walls! Im sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking put your calls! I've had my adventure *puts her hand on her chest and shows determination on her face* I don't need something new, *opens the side doors on her windows and sticks her head out the window* I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you into the unknown! Into the unknown!! Into the Unknown!!!

???:"ah ah oh oh"

Vaggie:sighs*....*sits on the floor while her arms is on the window sill and head on her arms*

???:"ah ah oh oh oh oh"

Vaggie:raises head and rubs her forehead* what do you want? Cause you've been keeping me awake, are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake *rubs her eyes with one hand* Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me, who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be...

A white ghostly moth lands on Vaggie's hand

Vaggie:? ....*looks at the white ghostly moth surprisingly and smiles at it* Every days a little harder as I feel my power grow *the moth flies around Vaggie and out to the balcony, she follows it and slams the balcony doors open* don't you know there's part of me that longs to go! Into the unknown! Into the unknown!! Into the Unknown!!!

???:"ah ah oh oh, ah ah oh oh"

Vaggie:ah oh oh! Are you out there! Do you know me?Can you show me?!
Ah ah oh oh!

???:"ah ah oh oh!"

Vaggie:ah ah oh oh!

???:"ah ah oh oh"

Vaggie/???:oh oh oh oh! oh oh! oh oh! oh oh!

The white ghostly moth flies around Vaggie and flies away

Vaggie:Where are you going? Don't leave me alone! How do I follow you?! *high jumps to the roof* Into the Unknown!!!

Vaggie stopped singing and breaths a bit and goes into her thoughts

Vaggie:some thing is calling me and that moth is trying to lead me to the caller *sees the moth flying to the surface and disappears* the surface! *runs out of her room but the door slammed some one* huh? *moves her door to closing it and sees alastor* Alastor?? heh sorry about that

Alastor:it's quite alright dear

Vaggie:what were you doing out of your room?

Alastor:well I was going to get myself a drink but then you singing in your room and I must say darling you aren't as bad as I thought


Alastor:although I am quite noticing your are being fond of me *leans to Vaggie*

Vaggie:leans back* I am warming up to you so try not to push it....did you heard another voice while i was singing?

Alastor:indeed I did

Vaggie:phew it wasn't me getting tired and Alastor I have a question

Alastor:your gonna ask me if I can take us to the surface *says in a obvious tone*

Vaggie:how did you know I was gonna ask that?

Alastor:you were talking to yourself when you finished singing and for your first question I only have the power to summon portals of time of the surface so I can not but I know only one demon can

Vaggie:and that would be?

Charlie:my dad *comes out of hiding*

Vaggie and Alastor gets a bit spooked by the sudden appearance

Vaggie:Charlie you nearly gave me a heart attack

Charlie:sorry, so my dad might help us, if he will that is


Charlie:nervously laughs *we thought of coming too

The rest of the group comes out of hiding

Husk:the other voice sounded calming so I to wake up and listen, don't get any ideas!

Angel: bitch that singing was loud so it had to wake me up

Nifty:I find their singing wonderful and I was hoping for another adventure

Charlie:alright we just need to get my dad to agree

Vaggie's and Alastor's mind: that won't be easy

(I give credit to disney for making frozen 2 and making the song that gave me ideas for this chapter)

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