Finding out Alastor's secret

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Vaggie:walks around the mansion going to feed luna*huh wonder where does Alastor go when he is not around *Luna wines in confusion*its probably nothing *pets Luna's head*lets get you that meat *heads to the kitchen and gets some meat for Luna* weird how Alastor has lots of meat after all he is thin *Luna eats the meat and her grandfather comes in the kitchen*morning grandpa

Grandfather:morning little moth

Vaggie:have you seen Alastor?

Grandfather:i was trying to find him can't find that darn boy anywhere I looked all over the mansion and nothing

Vaggie: he is probably outside

Grandfather:eh I'll just start making Empanadas for you and Alastor

Vaggie:and dont forget Luna

Grandfather:extra meaty got it *starts to make Empanadas*

Alastor comes in

Vaggie:morning Alastor where have you been?

Alastor:oh out side doing some errands

Vaggie:called it

Alastor:so what is your Grandfather making?

Vaggie:Empanadas, they are my favorite

Alastor:I guess i can try some

Vaggie:grandpa is a killer when cooking Empanadas, his are the best

Alastor:chuckles*ill take you word for it

Grandfather:finishes and gives some to Luna,Alastor,and Vaggie*all ready

Vaggie:thanks grandpa

Alastor:thank you sir*tries it and loved it* you weren't kidding when you said he is a killer when making Empanadas these are really the best

Vaggie:told ya *eats her own*

hours later at night time
Vaggie couldn't sleep so she gets up, grabs a flashlight and goes out of her room going to get a glass of water while Luna was on her bed, when she was around the hallway she thought she saw Alastor's shadow

Vaggie:Alastor? *starts to follow and it leads to a door behind the stairs*odd how did we missed this door? *turns the knob and goes in and it was pitch black so she can barely see with her flashlight but then she shines the flashlight at someone or something, it was alastor's demonic shadow*aahhh!!! *falls and drops the flashlight, the shadow picks up the flash light and gives it back to Vaggie not wanting to hurt her* um thanks? *the shadow helps vaggie up* .....what are you? ugh wheres the light switch *the flash light runs out of batteries* great...great timing *feels the walls for a light switch*ah theres one *but once she turned on the light she regret what she sees*
(the things i said in starting school chapter)
what is all this? *sees a dagger on a picture of Rosie and her friends* oh dear god *covers mouth and backs away, then some one comes in and it was Alastor surprised seeing Vaggie in the room*

Vaggie:alastor what is all this?!

Alator:i-its not what it looks like!

Vaggie:well it sure looks like a terrible secret that my best friend kept! *runs outside*

Alastor:Vagatha wait! *runs after her*

Grandfather:what the Alastor whats going on??

Alastor:no time, trying to get Vaggie back!

Grandfather:alright *runs and tries to find Vaggie*

Vaggie x AlastorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin