Chapter four.

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***Hey readers! Thanks for reading this far. Your support is appreciated. <3

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Kylo Ren

"Show me again..." he looked down on the helmet his grandfather once wore. "I need you to show me again the power of the darkness..." his stare intense.

"Darth Vader

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"Darth Vader..." he whispered.

Since the beginning he held a battle inside between light and dark. He thought finding you would help him grow strong. Instead the tug of war inside him increased as the light side began to pull harder.

He thought back to you placing your hand over his heart and filling it with a warmth he did not know.

"NO!" He barked swiping the helmet off its stand and smashing it into a wall. He paced the room back and forth fighting his growing need to see your face again with rage that he needed you to join him.

Join me instead. Your words repeating in his mind.

Kylo let out another yell "NO" before he drew his saber and slashed at the walls around him letting out his rage in a fireball of destruction.

Something froze him completely. He felt something. Sensed you. His eyes widened.

You were escaping...

"FUCK" he ran out of his quarters to find you.


The plan Poe had seemed too simple. Too easy. But you went along with it to amuse him.

He marched you down the halls in his trooper disguise leading you toward the launch bay. A second trooper joined your group and you gave a look of concern to Poe.

"He's with us dont worry" he whispered to you.

Your group reached the bays doors and were greeted by the guarding troopers.

"Where are you taking the captive?" One asked Poe.

"Following direct orders to bring her to a transport" Poe answered him.

"I was not aware of any transport. I'll need to check before you continue" the trooper began fumbling through his data pad.

"I mean.. alright. If you want to be the one to explain to Commander Ren why he was left waiting... be my guest" Poe shrugged and laughed at the other storm trooper that joined you.

"Head on through but we're still checking. Well be watching you" he pushed the bay door button and it hissed open.

You were marched to a transport. Poe and the other trooper prepared it for launch. Your eyes worriedly watching the guards as they were making contact. No doubt realizing soon this was all a lie.

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