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Jieun sighed for the hundredth time as she stared out her window. Originally she was just going to spend the day at home and relax.

Eat whatever she wanted, maybe catch up on some kdramas, she might even try and finish that painting that she had been putting off.

Whatever she was going to do, she didn't plan on going outside anytime soon.

Or at least, that's what she thought.

She hadn't been to the grocery store recently so there wasn't a lot of food except for the few snacks and many bottles of coffee that she had brought with Mark.

It also turned out that she didn't miss as many kdramas as she thought. Not to mention that her painting had actually been pretty close to being finished, so she completed it sooner than she had previously planned.

So here she was, standing by her window and looking at the clouds from the inside of her house.

Bongsik hadn't come by recently, apparently Jeno bought some sort of cat fence to make sure they couldn't escape the house and get lost.

Jieun walked to her room, there was no way she would spend the rest of the day cooped up in her apartment with nothing to do. At the very least she'll go out for a walk.

She wore a big sweater and a pair of sweatpants before putting on her shoes. She making sure she had her phone and keys before leaving.

School started tomorrow and Jieun had made sure to have all of her assignments done. She also had a doctors appointment for her soulmate mark, which had been hurting less recently.

When she arrived at the park she decided to take a seat on one of the benches. She watched as a mother and father pushed their daughter on the swing, happy giggles leaving the girl's mouth as she went higher.

Jieun smiled remembering yesterday, when she came to the park with Aera and Haechan. The sight of the both of them beaming at her with big smiles was something that she would never forget.

But her smile dropped when she saw someone she wasn't expecting to see.

Soojin, and she wasn't alone

Jieun's eyes widened in shock as she saw the girl lean in and kiss the guy who was currently holding her in his arms. There was one thing that Jieun knew for sure.

He wasn't any of the boys.

Jieun clenched her fists and felt anger surge through her as a realization hit her.

Soojin was cheating on them.

Sure, at this point most of the boys had broken up with her. Only Mark, Haechan and Jaemin still hadn't. She couldn't believe it!

How could she do that do them?! They cared so much about her and yet she was with someone else?

She was about to get up and confront her when her phone rang. Jieun quickly answered it.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Jieun? Are you okay?" Jieun froze when she heard Chenle's voice on the other side.

"Uhh, yeah. Why? What's up?" She asked again, she made sure to keep watching Soojin.

The boy began to ramble about how mad he was that Jeno had bonded to her before he did, and then how jealous he was when he found out that Mark had also bonded with her.

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