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"That guy was an asshole. I mean Pearl Neo Champagne is way better than just green!" Yeri argued.

Jieun stifled her laugh as her friend continued to rant.

Yeri was a very enthusiastic and energetic girl. She was the one who was always starting conversations with people that she didn't know.

The girl had been playing a game where one of the steps was to name certain colours. She chose to name a colour Pearl Neo Champagne, but one guy playing said it sounded stupid.

So here they were, Jieun listening to her friend's griefs.

"You know, you've been so busy with work lately, it's great that you finally have a break." Yeri said while looking at Jieun.

Jieun nodded, "Yeah, guess all those missed nights of sleep are coming back to get me."

Yeri perked up, "Hey! We should tell Yangyang to come and the three of us could have a sleepover."

Jieun smiled at her friend. Despite all the things that have happened to her, Yeri's child like attitude always managed to make her feel better.

"Yeri, we can't always keep calling Yangyang so that he can come and hangout with us. You know he has his own soulmate." Jieun told her.

Yeri sighed, "Oh that's right, lucky bastard." Jieun chuckled at Yeri's attitude change.

"When do you think I'll meet my soulmate?" Yeri asked as she looked up to the sky hopefully.

Jieun sighed, "I'm not really sure, but I'm know that when you do find them they'll love and cherish you for who you are." She said softly.

"Thanks Jieun, for everything." Yeri said. Jieun smiled.

"Now, I think that we've been outside for long enough, time to get you back inside." Jieun moved behind Yeri and grabbed the handles of her wheelchair.

Yeri has lost her legs in a car accident. Jieun had met her one day when she came to get painkillers for her soulmate mark. The two immediately clicked and have been friends ever since.

After spending a few more hours with Yeri, Jieun had to go.

You see, even though Jeno had bonded to her, and he was the only one so far, Jieun still hadn't told him that she knew his mom.

Mrs. Lee had invited Jieun over for dinner, and she was not going to take no for an answer.

"Hey, if Mrs.Lee makes lasagna could you sneak some back here? Hospital food is going to be the thing that kills me!" Yeri said dramatically flailing her arms in the air.

Jieun laughed and shook her head, "I'll see what I can do." She whispered.

Yeri beamed at her.


"This cat just doesn't know when to stop!" Jieun whispered to herself as she looked down at the cat who was currently sitting outside her apartment.

Bongsik ran towards Jieun as soon as she saw her, jumping into the girl's arms as she crouched down.

"Bongsik, why are you troubling Mrs.Lee so much? She has enough to worry about already." She scolded the cat as she made her way into her apartment.

But the cat didn't seemed fazed as she just nuzzled herself into Jieun's arms.

Jieun shook her head as she opened her door. For some reason Mrs. Lee had wanted her to wear a dress.

When was the last time she wore a dress?

Jieun let Bongsik down as she went to her room and shuffled through her closet.

She smiled when she found what she had been looking for. It was a white dress that stopped just before her knees. It had lace sleeves that stopped at her elbows.

It had been a birthday gift from her grandparents, one that she treasured a lot.

She had a shower, and put on the dress. She decided to put on some lip gloss but that was it. She put her hair into a ponytail, leaving her bangs falling forward.

He took her phone and keys and turned all of her lights off.

"Bongsik! Let's go!" She called for the cat, who perked up from where she was sitting on the couch. She jumped off and made her way to Jieun.

She looked up at Jieun curiously as Jieun crouched down to pick her up.

"I don't know why Mrs. Lee wants me to wear a dress either." Jieun sighed as if she was answering the cat.

She should really get out more, even she was getting concerned about the fact that she's talking to a cat.


Jieun knocked on the back door of the house, for some reason ever since she ran out of it the first day she just became accustomed to using it regularly.

Mr.Lee opened the door. He had somewhat of a happy expression on his face. "Why don't you go to the living room? We'll meet you shortly." He said, a suspicious smile on his face.

Jieun slowly nodded and started going towards the living room. "Mrs.Lee! Bongsik ran away again so I brought her back-"

Jieun froze, her mouth wide open in shock.

Staring back at her were 7 pairs of wide open eyes. Mrs.Lee rushed to the room when she heard the girl.

"Jieun?!" Jeno asked incredulously. The boys were confused. What was Jieun doing at Jeno's house?

Jieun stared at the boys before turning around and facing Mrs.Lee, who had been standing beside her. However the lady just shook her head.

Nobody said anything and continued to stare at each other in shock.

"Jieun would you like coffee or juice?" Mr. Lee asked as he entered the living room. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh! So you've all met!" He said happily. Mrs.Lee groaned and slapped her head.

Jieun shifted uncomfortably. "I should go." She said in a quiet voice, but was quickly shut down by a piercing glare from Mrs.Lee.

"Oh no young lady. You will have dinner with us today and I don't care if Jeno is your soulmate or not!" Mrs.Lee said defiantly.

Jieun's eyes widened. Jeno looked at his mother in shock. "You knew!" He asked surprised.

Mrs.Lee scoffed, "Of course I knew Jeno, I'm your mother. Besides her soulmate mark is the same as yours." Mrs.Lee explained while looking at Jieun's exposed wrist.

Jieun quickly hid her arm behind her back. The dress, she thought, you can see the mark.

This was going to be a long night.

Wow, just wow. update! hope you guys liked this chapter! i will post the special holiday chapter either on christmas or during the holiday break so please look forward to it!!

because i can and because nct is life 😋
also nctzens are the best.

Please stay safe and healthy!!!

~sunnyhyuck 💚

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