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* There will be some intense scenes in this chapter, if you feel uncomfortable you can skip that part. I'll let you know when it starts.*

Yangyang sighed, "Look, I have to go back to the orphanage soon. Are you gonna be okay walking home by yourself?" He asked looking at Jieun.

Jieun nodded, "Yeah." She responded, not looking up.

"Jieun." Yangyang said softly. "We can spend the whole day together on Saturday, okay?"

Jieun smiled, "I'm not a little kid. Who said I was sad that you were leaving early." She said playfully, pushing his shoulder a little.

He smiled, "I didn't say you were sad though." Jieun narrowed her eyes at him while smiling before shaking her head.

"See you later kiddo!" He said as he ruffled her hair.

"Bye, call me when you get there." She said behind him, all she saw was him raise his hand.

Jieun looked at the table that the boys were sitting at. She wanted to apologize to them because she saw Yangyang annoying them.

But she was surprised to see that all of them had left already.

Jieun heart dropped a little, she thought that at least Chenle or Jisung would've told her that they were leaving.

Tch, what were you expecting Jieun, they probably had more important things to do than stay here all day. Jieun shook her head and started to get back to work.


Jieun had a late shift today. She finished wiping down the last few tables before taking all of her stuff and locking the door.

She walked to the bus stop that she usually waits at to go home, but once she arrived she saw a note on the pole.


All buses? Really?

Jieun sighed, of course it had to happen to her. She angrily looked up at the sky. God, just why? Why me? What did I ever do to you?

She started to slowly walk to the direction of her apartment. It was already really late so it was dark outside.

The only sources of light were coming from the light posts on the side of the street or the odd house that still had their lights on.

After walking for a while, Jieun felt as if someone was following her. She picked up speed a little and didn't look back.

But she could hear the footsteps of someone behind her.

Once she reached an open street, she crossed the road to see if the person was following her, or if they just happened to be walking in the same direction.

But her blood ran cold when they followed her across the street.

Jieun quickened her pace even more.

She could see an alley way coming up, she knew that she had to run past it because the person following her would try and pull her into the alley.

*Intense scene starting*

But she didn't make it. The person behind her grabbed her arm and pulled her back, pushing her against the brick wall.

"Hello beautiful." The man slurred. Jieun could smell the alcohol radiating off him.

He was drunk.

"What's a girl like you doing walking home by yourself?" He asked as he came even closer to Jieun.

Jieun held her breath, "Sir, please your drunk. Can you let go of my arm?" She asked pleadingly. Her voice trembled.

The man's eyes turned dark and he smirk he held on his face became a frown.

"Now now, don't start acting like a bitch." he whispered as he came closer to her.

At this point tears were streaming down Jieun's cheeks. "HELP!!" she screamed hoping that someone would hear her.

The man scowled at her. "Shut the fuck up, who do you think's gonna hear you?" He whispered closer to her ear angrily.

But Jieun was too scared to listen. "HELP!!! SOMEONE!!" She screamed as she tried to get away.

But the man pulled her back, ripping a little bit of her sleeve, making her soulmate mark visible.

"Please!! Anyone!!!" She said again, this time a little bit more helplessly.

"Last time I'm gonna day this to you bitch. Shut the fuck up." He said slowly announcing every word.

Jieun took shaky breaths, "Let me go!!!" She said again.

The man clamped his hand over her mouth harshly, "Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson then." He said with a sick smile on his face.

Jieun tried to scream but it only came out muffled. She was crying with tears rushing down her red cheeks.

The man slowly ran a bony finger down her face.

Jieun kept her eyes closed. She was only thinking of one thing right now.

The regret she held for not telling her soulmates that she loved them, regardless of how they felt about her.

She tried again to scream, but the man just tightened his grip on her mouth.

Hopelessly, she struggled. The man looked to be in his 40's. He was towering over her, she tried to break out, but he had an iron grip on her.

Just as his mouth came close to her neck she tried to kick him, but he wasn't fazed.


Ok, this book just took a dark turn. so my dumbass was going to put up another chapter today, but couldn't make the deadline. which is why this chapter is so short. i'll probably put up a bigger chapter tomorrow, so i hope you looked forward to it. Please make sure to stay safe and healthy!!

p.s. tell me what you think about this chapter, i would love to hear your opinions!! this is my first time writing one of these.

~sunnyhyuck 💚

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