40| epilogue

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"Sebastian, could you please stop playing with Noah and help me with dinner?" I asked my husband in the sweetest voice I could master. I could hear Sebastian talking to our three year old son, Noah in the living room of our Paris house.

Sebastian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and resting on my five month old pregnant stomach. So, we started our lives a little bit early than some other people, but we were way too excited.

Sebastian proposed to me when we got back to Paris at the Eiffel Tower and I of course said yes. Two months later we got married in front of the Eiffel Tower and made our love for each other official. That night, as we were about to celebrate our marriage, I decided to surprise him with the news that I was two months pregnant.

He was shocked at first and I was worried that he'd get scared and leave me. But, that shock soon turned into happiness and tears of joy. We hugged each other, made love to each other, cried with each other, and we talked about our futures together.

Our first scan was extremely nerve wracking. As first time parents, we had no idea what the fuck we were supposed to be doing. So, we picked up couple of pamphlets that will give us all of the necessary information. The ultrasound was incredible. Our little blob of love was about the size of a raspberry. We both got a photo of the first scan each, Sebastian kept it in his wallet at all times, and I kept mine in a photo frame on our bedside table.

The next couple of scans went perfectly the same, and we got to hear the heartbeat loud and clear. But my favourite scan of all was when we were finally able to find out the sex of our baby. It was a boy and Sebastian and I couldn't have been more excited. Of course, we both would have been happy with either gender's, but we have time to have more.

Pregnancy wasn't smooth sailing, like no fucking joke. It was actually pretty disgusting. I would be throwing up every morning, crying all the time, peeing every five minutes, tired 24/7. Honestly, I'm surprised Sebastian didn't leave me.

The worst part of my pregnancy were my hormones. When Sebastian would leave for school to go teach French to his students, I would cry so much. Then I would get angry at Sebastian for leaving so I'd leave him voicemails of me crying and telling him 'I'm gonna divorce his ass if he doesn't get home'. Then, I would start crying because I'm being a horrible wife to him.

When he'd walk through our front doors after his hard day at work. He'd walk in carefully with an anxious look on his face and I would just burst into tears at the look on his face. He would tell me he's sorry for leaving and I would just whine saying that I'm craving peanut butter.

Sebastian was amazing. He never let what I said to him affect our relationship or him.

A couple of months later, I gave birth to Noah Easton Kingsley. Unfortunately, Noah seemed to be in an awkward position so I had to have a c-section.

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