21| lil' bit of elvis

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"THANK YOU FOR paying for our meal, Sebastian

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"THANK YOU FOR paying for our meal, Sebastian. Even though I threatened you several times so that I could pay, it was a very gentlemanly thing to do, so thank you," I told Sebastian with narrowed eyes, but softened at the end and leant up to give him a small kiss on his slightly pink tainted cheek.

"You're welcome baby. Plus, I would never allow you to pay for our dates, it's called being chivalrous," he smirked at me, giving me a cheeky wink. I rolled my eyes at him, giggling softly at his antics.

Our date was so romantic. He took me to a very romantic and expensive restaurant, where we ate classic French cuisine, laughing at each other as we tried our snails. They were so fucking amazing, but Sebastian on the other hand looked as if he was going to throw up. After we had a small but amusing argument about who would be paying the bill - even though I offered that we split the bill between us - he still refused because he's a fucking stubborn ass, we went on a walk down by the lake that we were...kissing in...yesterday. The moonlight was shining down on us, lighting the path that we were following. The flowers surrounding us were in full bloom, creating the perfect picture. For our dessert, we decided on picking up some traditional French crepes from a parked truck near the park. We were on our way home now since it was beginning to get late in the night, and Sebastian claims that our date isn't over yet, because it continues tomorrow but it's a daytime date. Tomorrow evening is also something to look forward to because Sofia and James, Sebastian's siblings, are flying out to Paris. I'm so excited to see Sofia again since I haven't seen her in ages.

We were walking up the steps of the house, Sebastian opening the door and letting me walk in first. I begin walking up the steps to our room as Sebastian said he's going to get us some bottles of water before coming upstairs.

I walk inside our room and immediately begin to strip out of my red bodycon strapless dress. I quickly changed into my lilac joggers and one of Sebastian's 'Tommy Hilfiger' hoodies. I pulled on a pair of fuzzy socks and padded my way into the en suite bathroom to brush my teeth and do my business. As I am walking out of the bathroom, I begin to pull my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head, but since I wasn't looking where I was walking, I tripped over something and face planted the floor. I heard something hard land beside me making a humming noise when it did. I looked behind me to see a light brown guitar lying beside me. I picked it up gently, as if it was a new born baby, not wanting to damage it. I lifted my hand to stroke the strings, a couple of notes sounding from the device. Is this Sebastian's? Can he play the guitar?

"What are you doing on the floor Lexi?" I heard Sebastian chuckle from behind me. I glared at him before standing up with the guitar in my hand. His smile falters slightly when he looks at what I'm holding, but a smile is still evident on his beautifully structured face.

"Is this yours, Sebby?" I asked him quietly, not knowing if it was a sensitive subject. He nodded his head, a small smile reappearing on his face, as if he was remembering simpler times. "Can you play for me? Please?" I asked him pleadingly, giving him my best puppy dog eyes while I sat on the bed crossed legged, my back resting against the bedframe. He walked over to me almost cautiously. He took the guitar from my hands as he sat opposite me with one leg crossed on the bed and the other off the side. He began tuning the guitar quietly, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

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