A little messed up pt.1

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Y/n pov


Saint: Perfect he is mine *evil laugh* now lets DESTROY half the city *evil laugh*. We need to show who owns this city, Y/n don't kill everyone okay we still needs people in my city *evil laugh*

Y/n: ......

Saint: well Y/n lets give you your equipment back, don't worry they hav been treated the right way

Y/n: ......

Saint: a man of few words I see, Oh wait you can't talk *evil laugh*

Y/n: ......

Saint: Come with his swords and his clothes

Some men came with my clothes, they are all black the clothes are made very carefully and is very strong it can resist most of magic attacks it takes, it also got a hoodie and a mask. My to swords Ketsueki (blood) and Shi (death) they are both extremely dangerous, Shi demands for death and Shi demands for blood if you don't give them there cravings they will torture the wielder. I am Bound to the Sword and they are bound to me.

Saint: now now Y/n: head out now

My body ran out of the building and I walked down to the Main Street with my to swords

Guy: hey dude cool swords are you a cosplayer?

Girl: where did you get those swords

i sliced the guy in half and the girl scream in fear, I beheaded the girl and people began to run away In fear I swung my sword once and everyone in a radius of 3 meters died instantly. my body just walked down the street killing anyone in the way, the police came quickly trying to stop me

Police officer 1: DROP THE WEAPONS

Y/n: ....


Y/n: ....

In an instant I was right beside a officer and I sliced him to piece

Police officer 3: OPEN FIRE!!!!!

They begin shooting at me, but I deflected every bullet and killed all of the officers. reinforcement came and they tried to stop me, but I killed them all. I just looked while my body killed countless of people and screams of agony echoed down the street

Y/n: I only have one chance to take over my body in around 20-30 minutes. before I lose crasp of my body again. I just don't know what to do, if I go back I can't call anyone for help.

???: Ask for help Y/n it isn't bad

Y/n: Who is there!

???: Don't be afraid to ask or help Y/n, you know who to go to

Y/n: WHO!!??

???: Who did you intrust your love to?


Lily: I am not the only one you trust, deep inside there are 4 other you enjoy being around

Y/n: No lily thats not true! I am alone...

Lily: don't be scared Y/n you can do this help is only going to help you Y/n

Y/n: what if thy don't want to help me or what if they are going to hate me

Lily: they love you Y/n they will help you as much as they can

Y/n: .....

Lily: go to them

Y/n: .....

I used all my strength to get control over my body again

Y/n: I need to do this quick


Kai'sa pov


Akali: it can't be right there needs to be more to it, he isn't dead

Ahri: He is Akali why can't you see it

Akali: Don't you want him to be alive

Ahri: Yes I want, but he isn't alive we need to move on

Akali: how can you move on so quick

Ahri: We are idols Akali we need to move on


it only has been a day since Y/n passed away and it is really hard to believe

Receptionist: Sir you can't just barge up and please put those swords away. I am going to call the cops on you if you don't leave, please don't go into that apartment

the door flew away and a hooded figure stood there with to swords that is all black with some red details on it

???: I need your help

Evelynn: Who are you?

he took his mask of and under I saw Y/n I can't believe it he is alive

Receptionist: Sir please leave

Kai'sa: Don't worry miss we know him

She just left, but Y/n was standing

Akali: Y/N YOUR ALIVE!!!

We all almost broke to tears by him standing there

Y/n: there are no time for tears, if you guys don't help me I might lose myself again

Evelynn: What is going on Y/n

Y/n: I can't explain right now, you guys need to go into my mind and break the seal that is sealing me way from my body

Ahri: What?

Y/n: be ready I am going to guide you through it and just ignore any memory you see inside my mind, ready?

Kai'sa: um... okay i am ready

Akali: yeah i am ready to

Ahri: if we can get you back I am ready

Evelynn: i am coming for you Y/n

Y/n: look into my eyes..... SHARINGAN!!!

(A/n: ..........)

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