Our first encounter

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Y/n pov


Y/n: "Ok, i didn't forget anything right? Mask and hoodie to cover up most of my face. Where is my shades... WAIT THERE AT HOME. Ok then, only mask and hoodie."

i walked out to the parking lot to see a beautiful limo. a bodyguard is standing by the car door with a sign with my name on it... WAIT WHAT!? Yeah it is for me, if this ticket didn't have my name on it then I could sell it, and then I didn't even need to go through all this hassle. I walk over to the limo when a big guy comes over to me, well this is so much for me.

Bodyguard: "Hello Mr. L/n, please get into the car before KDA fans finds out that there is a limo here."

Y/n: "umm.... ok, Wait what is that over there, is that a storm"

I point toward a crowd of people running towards the car

Bodyguard: "quick, get in the car!"

we just barely get in the car without any problems before getting stormed by people. We head to the stadium, it was really crowded there. We drove to the back of the stadium, V.I.P stuff I guess. The bodyguard escorted me to a V.I.P lounge and there was everything in the lounge a giant tv screen, every sweets in the world and a massage chair plus a giant view to the stage.

Bodyguard: 2Mr. L/n please enjoy yourself. The concert starts in 10 min"

The bodyguard left and I was alone. I took my hoodie and mask off, and I sit into the massage chair it is so damn comfortable, I almost fall asleep, wow am I really that tired, need to fix my sleeping schedule. The concert starts and I wake up immediately. Damn the fans are so loud, Jesus Christ.

Y/n: "I think my ears are bleeding"

I heard a giant BANG! and then a giant heart comes out trough the smoke and a fox vastaya girl comes out from the smoke too.

Y/n: "it can't be, she's a vastaya"

???:" Hello beautifuls"

The crowd just roared up and people (especially men) just yelled

Crowd: "AHRI!!!!!!"

Guy1: "MARRY ME!!!!!!!"

Guy 2: "HAVE KIDS WITH ME!!!!!!"

(A/n dang that was hard writing *visibly shaking* please don't kill me KDA fans its not because every fan wants to do the thing with kda. Sorry)

A car drives into the stage and a women with to lashers comes out of the car. The crowd goes absolutely bananas

???: "hello Darling, did you miss me?"

Crowd: "EVELYNN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Guy 8: "STEP ON MY EVELYNN!!!!!!!"

Y/n: "So the girl that has lashers is Evelynn and the vastaya girl is Ahri."

Blue bullets come flying out into the stage and a Women with weird things on her back flies onto the stage. The crowd got just even more pumped

???: "Hello guys, shall we take a dance?"

Crowd: "KAI'SA!!!!!!!!!!"

Guy 3: "KISS MEE!!!!!!!!"

Guy 5: "HUMP ME!!!!!!!!"

Y/n and A/n: "WAIT WHAT!?!?!!?!?!?"

(A/n: im Sorry im Sorry im Sorry im Sorry im Sorry)

giant smoke bombs get suddenly explodes on the stage and a girl that's dressed like a ninja comes out. The crowd goes something over Bananas don't even know how to describe it.

???: "Yo, Whats up guys!"

Growd: "AKALI!!!!!"

Guy 1001:" FUCK ME!!!!!!"

Guy (something number): "I LOVE YOU!!!!"

Y/n: "they're fandom is really thirsty. but they are very beautiful ladys... WAIT WHAT NOOO DONT THINK LIKE THAT, STOP IT."

They played there songs and and solos and it was kinda amazing, I actually really liked it. Well now the concert Is over time to go home. When I was on my way out with my mask and hoodie on when the bodyguard from before appeared from thin air.

bodyguard: "Mr. L/n, are you ready to meet KDA backstage."

Y/n: "... huh?"

bodyguard: "im sorry, but did you not know that your going to meet KDA backstage and spend a day with them."

Y/n: "ohh ok thank you for informing me."


We walked down the hall into the backstage area and the bodyguard headed into a room. I waited while the bodyguard talked to KDA. He then came out and gave me sign to go inside. When I got inside I saw 4 tired women sweating a lot.


Y/n: "........"

KDA: "......"

Y/n: "yare yare daze"

Ahri: "Soo... Hello, what's your name"

Y/n: "Y/n"

KDA: "Hi Y/n"

*Another awkward silence*

Akali: "Aren't you gonna ask for autographs and pictures or something"

Y/n: "no, Actually im not a fan... Ahri was it"

i point over towards the fox vastaya girl.

Ahri: "yeah that's me, how can I help you"

Y/n "are those ears and tails real?"

Ahri:" yeah that are real."

Y/n: "are you sure they aren't some butt plugins?"

Ahri: "ew no"

The women with the lashers walk towards me and sway her hips a bit

Evelynn: so darling how is it to be around 4 beautiful women

Y/n: "...."

Y/n: "Can I go home now?"

The whole KDA group looked at me with a dead pan face.

Y/n: "I take that as a yes"

I left the room and met up with the bodyguard saying that I was going home, but he was gonna drive me home.

Bodyguard: "remember your gonna spend a day with KDA tomorrow. Im gonna pick you up at 9 am."

Y/n: "ok thanks dude"

Evelynn pov

Evelynn: "he is the first guy that wouldn't fall for me"

Ahri: "eheh you losing your sexiness"

Akali: "ohh no Evelynn couldn't charm him"

Ahri and Akali: "AHahhaah"

Kaisa: "girls don't laugh at Evelynn she is gonna get really mad"

Evelynn: too late

Akali: "ohh shit, Ahri NIGERUNDAYO!!!"'


Evelynn: "I'm going to make you fall for me Y/n, just wait."


Time skip to home


I walked up to my apartment door and got inside. I sit down on my chair and took my headphones on and listened to some music

Y/n: maybe I should go a little higher up in the bridge on the vocals

A/n: here we go chapter 2 you guys. Please comment your opinions on the story it will be very appreciated. Welp see ya next time guys.

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