Alcohol + KDA, not a good combo

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???: hello

Y/n: ...hi?

???: Hi um... my name is Seraphine

Y/n: Hi Seraphine.......

Seraphine: Are you kyuubi

Y/n: NANI!!!!!?????

Y/n: no!

Seraphine: my ability is to manipulate sound, I can hear that it is you

i was about to stand up and leave, when she suddenly grabbed my arm.

Seraphine: please don't leave, I really love KDA can I get an autograph

Y/n: why should I

Seraphine: um..... is there something you want?

Y/n: if you can give me free coffee for a week, I will give you an autograph

Seraphine: Oh my god REALLY!!!!!!

Y/n: don't scream

Seraphine: sorry

She gave me a poster of KDA and a pen, I quickly wrote my autograph.

Y/n: look, I trust you to not, say a word about this or describe my face.

Seraphine: Hai

I turned my back and was about to leave when she hugged me from behind

Seraphine: thank you so much Kyuubi


Seraphine: Coming Delsin

Delsin: I could really use some help *drop something* Shit *drops another thing*

Seraphine quickly ran back into the shop to help Delsin and I walked back to the penthouse. I really feel relaxed when I take trips like this. I got to the penthouse door and opened it, but to my surprise the door was open. When I got in I was met by 6 angry faces.

Caitlyn: Y/n, you know that wandering of is very irresponsible

Kai'sa: Y/n i was so worried!!!

Y/n: i was just at the coffee shop down the street

Evelynn: couldn't you leave a note or something

Y/n: sorry

Caitlyn: I worry too much, Y/n do you have some red wine?

Y/n: yeah besides the refrigerator

Akali: I could take a beer or two too

Everyone got some alcohol, we talked and drank long though the night. Caitlyn and Vi needed to go home before it was too late. Me and the girl drank through the night, but some didn't hold that long

Ahri: Gib me a kissu~ *hick* please Y/n~

Y/n: Ahri you are drunk

Kai'sa: Y/n com tu *hick* mama NOW!!!~ *hick*

(A/n: okay people, to come clean... I have never been drunk or drink in my life)

Y/n: go to bed Kai'sa and Ahri

I walked up to Ahri and Kai'sa and threw them on my shoulders, I headed to there bedrooms and deposited Ahri and Kai'sa, it took me 30 min. They kept clamming to me and wanted to sleep with me. I walked back to Akali and Evelynn

Y/n: jees, why do they keep clamming to me.

Evelynn: well we just like you Y/n

Y/n: .......

Evelynn: I am going to bed now, want to join me *wink*

Y/n: no

She walked to my room? and was about to close the door, when I called her

Y/n: thats not your room Evelynn

Evelynn: but I want to sleep with you!!!

Y/n: no

Evelynn: Y/n! *glare*

Y/n: okay okay fine......

I walked up to and made her go in a straight line, She could walked in a a straight line, meaning she wasn't drunk

Y/n: yeah fine, go to bed

i walked back to the couch and drank with Akali

Y/n: you really can drink a lot

Akali: how can you drink so much yourself

Y/n: well, I was trained in the military as a kid, and my body was trained so I could survive most of the poisons in the world so.

Akali: Oh, you really have been through a lot

Y/n: yeah

I hear, Ahri running out to the bathroom and throwing up, the downside of drinking.

Y/n: maybe it is a good idea to go to bed now

Akali: yeah

Y/n: crash my room won't ya?

Akali: sure

Akali headed to my room and I got Kai'sa and Ahri, I can't let them sleep alone and get strangled in there own vomit.

Y/n: this is going to be a long night

(A/n: you people are amazing really, thank you guys so much for all the support THANKS!!!!!)

ps: lemon next chapter!!!!!

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