pda - mick schumacher

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a/n: this one is for summer00lala apologies as well for how long this has taken.

Word count: 571



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You were finally joining Mick at a race. You had been waiting for the three years that you had been together to finally be allowed to join Mick at a race. In his defence, he had done it for you, he knew what the fans were like.

You were buzzing with excitement and gripped Mick's hand tightly as you walked through the paddock. He smiled at you reassuringly and you knew that if you had a problem he would be right there to sort it out.

You could hear the faint sound of cameras clicking and you knew there would be at least a few photos on Instagram about the two of you being 'official'. You didn't mind it taking three years to make it to a race. You understood how cut throat the racing world was and you would never want to jeopardise anything for Mick's career just to be able to go to a race. Besides, you had been to races before just not as Mick's girlfriend. You smiled wide when you realised you could start coming to Mick's races as that now. It was yours to own.

You both arrived at the garage and Mick kissed the top of your head gently before he let go of your hand and showed you to the seats at the back where you would be sitting with his mum and sister while he was busy.

He left soon after, not before giving you a hug and sneaking a kiss once he had double checked there were no cameras around, he really did not want him kissing you to be featured on the next season of Drive to Survive. You watched him leave, blush lightly dusting your cheeks. You were so proud of him for chasing his dream and this move into F1 was so amazing for him you couldn't believe he had been given the opportunity already. You knew how important it was for him to do well and being seen kissing you was the last thing he needed right now.

Mick's mum and sister sat down either side of you and turned towards you. You knew you were in big trouble now, no Mick to protect you from their questioning. Even after three years and a good friendship that you had built up with his sister did not stop them from grilling you every chance they got.

"so" his mum started, leaving the silence hanging in the air while you tried desperately to guess what she was going to ask you "was that a kiss I saw?" You blushed furiously, your cheeks matching the Ferrari garage opposite. You shook your head, of course they had seen it, it seems like they saw everything you didn't understand how on earth they had managed it

You took a deep breath, knowing your cheeks already gave you away but you were going to try and play it off anyway. You shrugged "maybe" you replied causing both of them to burst into laughter.

"oh my god" his sister chimed in "you did kiss! in the garage? Mick I can't believe it!" you started laughing too, maybe it wasn't too bad.

Before you knew it Mick had returned, looking handsome as ever in his race suit.
"Hope they haven't caused you too much trouble" He whispered softly into your hair. You smiled slightly.

"As long as we don't kiss in the garage again" You replied.

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