professor 2 // huey ✩

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"uncle huey i need to pee!" riah says having the class crack up

"oh i- uhm..?" huey says and looks around

"i'll take her! class is almost over Mr.H"
i say

jayda smiles and winks at me while giving me a thumbs up

i shake my head

"oh thank you y/n" he says smiling at me

everyone started to gather their things and leave the class

i left my things on my desk on purpose so i could take riah to the bathroom

"tell me how it goes sis!" jayda says walking past me to leave the classroom

i laugh at her goofyness and walk up to riah

"you ready to go sweetie?" i ask and she nods and takes my hand

i lead her to the nearest bathroom and she lets go of my hand a runs into one of the stalls

i used to babysit kids so it all came pretty easy to me

i hummed a little tune to let her know i'm still here

she flushed and walked out

"okay now let's wash our hands"

she runs over to me and i pick her up "upsy daisy" i say causing her to giggle

she turns on the water and begins washing her hands pretty well

i put her down and she looks up at me
"Thank you!" she says which caught me by surprise since kids her age didn't say that often

"My dada taught me to say thank you."
she says as we begin walking back to the classroom

really? from all the stories Mr. H told us about his brother that seems very unlikely

"ohhh , how about your mom?" i ask

"i don't see her much.. i don't think she likes me..." she says

i quickly bend down to look at her

"Hey hey , i'm sure she likes you but having a kid could be very stressful give her some time." i say causing her to nod and give me a quick hug

wow , his brother had been taking care of riah all alone..?

poor him

soon we make it to class and we see Mr.H standing outside of the class waiting for us

"thank you , y/n i really appreciate that." he says while riah runs into the class

"of course." i say and give him a head nod

"say.. do you have any younger siblings it seems like you really know what your doing." he says stopping me from going inside

"oh, actually i'm the youngest . i used to babysit though."

"ohh i see i see." i nod and begin walking into the class to get my things

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