guilty pleasure // caesar

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slightly explicit

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slightly explicit

"Stop it, Riley.." Huey says tired of his younger brothers nonsense

y/n watched as her older-brother walked up and down the school halls yelling about how gangster he was .

y/n looked up at her boyfriend , caesar who was already smiling at her beauty

"Why are you smiling ?" y/n asks feeling her face heat up

y/n still felt nervous about her boyfriend of 5 months

he shook his head and looked away from the girl
y/n shrugged it off and watched as Huey continued to try and clam Riley down

caesar then got the idea to grip her below her waist which he did causing her to yelp

Huey shot his head over to his younger sister in suspicion

"y/n you good ?" the girl shook her head yes

Huey eyed the couple before looking away and paying attention to Riley

Huey and Riley were always overprotective , y/n decided she would keep her and caesar's relationship secret thinking her brothers wouldn't approve

"IM A REAL GANGSTA WATCH THIS!" Riley grabs a kid and pulls out his bb gun

"aye run yo pockets Lil' nigga !" Riley says pointing the gun at the poor boy

Huey hits Riley on the back of his head while taking his gun

"I'm sorry you can go." Huey says to the kid causing him to scatter off scared than ever

Huey shoves his brothers gun back into his hands

"Come on we're going home." he says dragging Riley out of the school doors with the couple following

"wait Huey." y/n calls out to him
following behind her brothers

huey turns around to face the girl and cocked his eyebrow up

"could we get something to eat i haven't ate all day." y/n tries her best at doing puppy dog eyes

"that's your problem." huey says and continues walking

"i could take her to eat if you want." caesar suggests

huey slowly turns around once again suspecting something but he wasn't sure what

he eyed caesar and he only smiled

"nevermind we will all go." huey says with his usual scowl

y/n slides into the table booth with caesar right next to her and her older brothers in front of the two

"y/n how yo ass gon say you hungry but only get fries" riley says obviously annoyed at his sister

"Cause I want fries nigga damn" y/n retorted getting an eyeroll from huey

"I mean you did complain on how hungry you were earlier" caesar said leaning back into the seat

"whos side are you on caesar." y/n turns to face him

"Yours bab- y/n.." caesar stops himself from slipping up in front of her brothers

"What were you going to say?" huey asks

y/n hated keeping secrets from huey because he always found out even if she did amazing at concealing it

"i was going to sayy.." caesar looks around for an excuse "bubbles?" y/n slapped her hand on her face at the terrible excuse

"right.." huey decides to let it go for now

"Heres your food- wait y/n is that you?" the waiter asks as he puts the food on the table

"Whats it to you nigga?" Riley asks not giving the girl to answer for herself

"I- Im sorry Me and y/n went to elementary school together." the waiter says putting his hands up

"Dylan?" y/n asks the man in hope of finding her old middle school crush

"Yeah thats me!" Dylan smiles brightly

"oh hey dyl long time no see." y/n smiles back

caesar shifts around in his seat disliking the interaction between the two

"heres my number you should call me." dylan writes his number down and hands it to the girl

only to have caesar snatch it from him on instict

he looks around and seen everyone looking at him

he coughs and hands it to his girlfriend "Sorry.." he mumbles

"nah i think caesar got the right idea give me that shit you dont need that nigga number" Riley says reaching over the table

"Riley stop we could talk about this when we get home.." huey says pulling riley back down into his seat

y/n had her leftover fries in her bag she put them on the table for later, she grabbed her bag and walked into the living room

"hey caesar could me with my homework?" y/n asks hoping to spend some alone time with her boyfriend

Huey found this mildly suspicious he always knew his sister as a mini him she was smart and didnt really need anyone

Caesar nodded and followed the girl upstairs
y/n sat on the bed and waited for her boyfriend to join her

"did you really have homework?" he asks playing with his dreads

"nope now come here." y/n opens her legs so her boyfriend could lay his head there she begins playing with his dreads

"baby.." caesar turns around in her lap so now hes facing her

'Hm?' she hums

"well.. you know i love you right.."

"well yeah if you didnt that would be kinda awkward" the girl joked getting a chuckle from her boyfriend

"i mean, what do you think your brothers will think of us?"

she sighs " Im sure it would have to take a lot of convincing but for now im not ready to tell them yet"

caesar moved away from her lap and layed down  facing the ceiling by her feet instead

he didnt like that the girl he loved waited 5 whole months to tell her brothers about them and hes just been notified that he might have to wait more

y/n sighs amd stands up she crawls on top of her boyfriend and straddles his lap

"baby listen , i promise i will tell them just not now there will be a perfect time they arent going to freak out and act like mature adults.."

caesar nodded still sadden he couldnt tell the whole world she was his

y/n leaned down to kiss the boy he did aswell which got heated by the second , caesar grabbed her below her waist as he brought he mouth down to her neck making her let out a small moan

"what the fuck!" y/n older brother yells at the sight he just walked into


should i do a part 2 ?

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