on the phone? // huey

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definitely didn't get this idea from an irl moment where i was really dumb :)

you throw your book bag on your bed exhausted from a long day of school

you were honestly so happy it was now the weekend giving you a couple days to relax

the amount of work you got began to pile up , but soon it would've been all over

you sighed staring up at the ceiling , then got the bright idea to call huey .. he always lets you vent to him

he even gives you advice .. though you completely ignore it

you turn on the light at your desk making your room dimly lit , and sat down on your spinning chair

you went to the facetime application, and immediately seeing hueys name at the top of your screen since that's the last person you facetimed

you tapped his name and set up the phone watching it ring , unconsciously you start smiling but as soon as it began connecting
you wiped the smile off of your face playing it cool

"y/n..?" huey spoke

you immediately look at the phone noticing his muscular shoulders appearing at the bottom of your screen

if only he lowered his phone a little

'ahem' he cleared his throat snapping you out of your thoughts

"hey huey..!" you put on your brightest smile despite how tired you were feeling

"hey y/n" huey began to look around his room , "i'm actually a little busy right now.." he mumbled , looking down

"oh- sorry what are you busy with." you felt a little guilty for disturbing him

he quickly looks back up at the camera
"oh nothing important."

you look in the little box where you appeared and began to play with your hair

"oh.. then how are you busy..?" you ask now confused

you look closer to your little box and remove something from your face you just noticed

"uh.. how was your day." he asked completely distracting you from the misunderstanding

"well ... horrible i have so much work due and i'm so tired." you complained rolling your eyes

he nods his head , signaling for you to keep going

"and i could barely even force myself to even try to do that damn work.." you groaned

you hear him sigh "well.. did you tell your mom..?" he spoke but with each word he got more quiet

"she said i should get a therapist.. that's what you are for so that's no help." you joked waiting for huey to reply with a witty comment but all you heard was breathing

"huey..?" you look back up at the phone to see he was now showing the ceiling

"fuck..." the phone glided back down to his face "i'm listening darling keep going."
he placed his arm on top of his forehead having his hand cover his face

"uh.. okay anyways , but it's not as bad as it used to be soo i'm happy about that."

"that's great .. my love." he sighed

"huey we should hang out tomorrow..?" you smiled

you watched as he threw his head back revealing the veins in his neck
"y-yeah sure."

"we could watch a movie an-"

"give me a second darling." he groaned and began to fumble with the phone until it was completely silent on his side
meaning he probably put himself on mute

you watched as he placed the phone , to where you couldn't see anything but his ceiling

"ok...?" you shrugged

you waited for his return, while you altered your appearance

it didn't take him long to come back and unmute himself , "uhh i'll have to call you back i have to uh.. clean up but it won't take awhile." before you could respond the call ended leaving you in disbelief


imagines // boondocks .Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant