Electric Love

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* * * * * *
Candy, she's sweet like candy
in my veins
Baby, I'm dying for another taste

And every night my mind
is running around her
Thunder's getting louder and louder

Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it

* * * * *

Right on schedule, a car was sent to Camila's house to pick her up. The brunette was just dying to see Lauren again. She rang the doorbell to the big house and the door opened within seconds. There stood the basketball player with a huge smile.

"Hey, you." Lauren beamed, ushering her inside.

"Hi." Camila gave her a kiss. "I didn't expect you to answer the door."

They made their way down the hallway. Lauren walked steadily with her cane and Camila made sure to stay at her pace. The brunette took her free hand and held it firmly.

"Oh, I gave everyone the day off. That way we have the whole house to ourselves." Lauren finished with a purr in her voice.

Camila raised her eyebrows. "Really?"


They now stood at the foot of the large staircase.

"Would you like to take the house tour?" Lauren asked, playfully.

Camila stepped closer to the dark haired woman and placed her hands on Lauren's shoulders, running them downwards. "I would. Where should we start first?" She husked.

Lauren's body shivered as Camila gently cupped her breasts. "The bedroom?" Her voice squeaked. The basketball player cleared her throat. "The bedroom."

"Hmm...Let's go." Camila purred. "Wait." The brunette said in realization. "Have you been going up and down these stairs to get to your bedroom? Lauren, with your knee -"

"Baby, calm down." Lauren interrupted her evenly. She took the brunette's hand.
"Follow me."

She led them a few feet away from the stairs to a door with a number panel next to it. Lauren punched in the code, and the door slid open revealing an elevator.

"Oh, you have an elevator."—Camila did a double take and realized how cool this actually was—"Laur, you have an elevator! In your house!" The brunette proclaimed stepping inside the small lift.

Lauren chuckled at Camila's excitement. "Yes, I do. It's pretty useful when you have five floors. This goes straight to my bedroom." She stepped inside with the doctor and closed the door behind them.

The elevator wasn't large. Three people could fit in there at the most, and with both of their libidos going crazy in such a small space, it didn't take long for Camila's lips to find Lauren's.

The brunette had Lauren pinned against the wall as they kissed each other eagerly. Lauren dropped her cane and pulled the smaller woman to her. By the time they finally reached the second floor Camila had already gotten the basketball player's pants unbuttoned. The lift came to a stop and the doors opened to Lauren's large, decorative bedroom.

"Camz?" Lauren groaned as the brunette nibbled on her neck. "We're here."

Camila slowly removed her lips from her neck and looked into lustful green eyes. "Lead the way."

Before Lauren could move, Camila's lips latched to her neck again. "Uh, I'm trying to."Lauren breathed.

The dark haired began to walk forward, taking the smaller woman with her who was clinging to her tightly.

Stronger Than Us (Camren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon