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* * * * * * *
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous
* * * *

**Three Months Later**

Camila cheered from the sidelines as Lauren scored the winning basket, with just seconds to go in the game. The Monarchs fans in the ARCO arena erupted into a frenzy of cheers and whistles.

"Lauureen Jaureeeguii!" The announcer boomed through the arena speakers. "The Sacramento, Monarchs are going to the WNBA playoffs!"

The green eyed pumped her fists in the air and jumped up and down in victory. She was instantly flooded by her fellow teammates and coaches. There were endless hugs and pats on the back in celebration. Before she knew what was going on, Lauren was hoisted off the ground and was sitting on two of her teammates' shoulders.

Camila's eyes sparkled with happiness as she watched her girlfriend being paraded around the basketball court. She thought of the night before and how her girlfriend could barely sleep because she was thinking about this game. The dark haired had wanted to go to the playoffs so badly and now Camila was bursting with happiness for her lover.

Lauren was finally set back down on the ground and was approached by her coach. As she was giving her coach a hug, yellow Gatorade was poured all over her and the coach's head. The green eyed could care less that she was soaked from head to toe. She laughed and playfully went after the culprits.

In the mist of the celebration, her thoughts immediately went to the small brunette waiting for her on the sidelines. She looked for Camila in her usual spot, but didn't see her.

Green eyes scanned the players' bench and there was no sign of the brunette. Suddenly, a hand gently tugged back on her shoulder. Laur turned around and was greeted by two beautiful chocolate eyes.

"Hey, you!" Lauren greeted Camila with a smile. She picked her up by the waist and spun her in circles. "We won, baby!" She yelled.

Camila giggled and held on tight. Finally, she felt her feet hit the ground and she hugged her girlfriend to her. "Congratulations, baby!"

They broke the hug and looked into each other's eyes. Lauren's emerald eyes were ecstatic and full of joy. Both women wanted nothing more than to give each other a kiss, but they both agreed to hold off on displays of affection in public places. Lauren always found it embarrassing when she was caught in the tabloids during an intimate moment.

"Hey,Laur!" The couple turned towards the call and saw it was Lauren's teammate, CeCe. "Come on, the media wants to get some photos of us!"

The dark haired gave her teammate a nod and then turned back to Camila. They didn't even realize they were still holding hands.

"I have to..." Lauren began, reluctantly.

Camila squeezed the hands holding hers.

"I know. I'll see you after all the chaos."

Lauren smiled softly. "Okay. love you."

"Love you, more." The brunette smiled back.

Lauren gave her a final lingering smile and then went towards her teammates. Camila watched the basketball player walk away and be playfully jumped on by fellow players. She was happy for her girlfriend, but at the same time she felt overwhelmed. Lauren was bigger than life in the WNBA and female fans would constantly throw themselves at her when given the chance. The green eyed would flash her charming smile. She couldn't help it. It was just part of her personality.

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