Chapter 6

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The voice of Legolas could be heard as Nínimiel was walking away with Strider on her arm.
"You should talk to him. He only wants to explain himself.

The glare she sent him had him hiding a smile.
"I will go talk to the hobbits and then prepare to leave in three days time. I suggest you do the same. We all know youre a boring person."

Aragorn pulled her hair as revenge, earning him a punch in the arm.
"I'm a very enjoyable company."
Nínimiel raised an eyebrow at him.

"Arwen told me they were planning on going to our spot and have a small celebration. Join us, old man!"
Before Aragorn could register the insult, Nínimiel left. The elleth found two hobbits wandering around Rivendell.

"Are you lost, master hobbits?"
The two hobbits in question quickly turn around.
"Is Master Elrond cross with us?"

The shorter one looked scared.
"No. My father is not known for being angry. When I was an elfling I once lit him on fire."

The hobbits looked shocked.
"I thought the elves were calm and peaceful beings."

"Some are. The elves of Rivendell are quite playful. Of course, ada scolded me, but the next morning he woke me up by throwing cold water on me."

The trio bonded over childhood stories. The elleth quickly became fond of the hobbits and internally decided to protect them with her life. They talk until darkness is surrounding them.

"How do you know Bilbo?"
"It is an interesting story. It involves some dwarfs, a wizard and a dragon. Unfortunately, Aragorn wishes to speak to me as he has been following us for some time now."

Just as Nínimiel finishes speaking, an apple hits her head.
"I will leave you now to pack and gather your courage. Rest well, young hobbits. And remember, Aragorn is an old man who does not like fun."
She winks at them before picking up the apple and walking away.

When out of sight, Nínímiel turns and throws the apple into the dark. Aragorn catches it with a grin.
"I was told we are to gather the food. On behalf of your brothers."
"Then come. I believe father has ordered for more food. He wont know it is gone."

Their raid was a success and soon the pair were walking together up the stairs to their secret meeting place. Upon arrival, Nínímiel her siblings were already there with blankets and pillows. Arwen had brought wood with her and they had a small fire going.

Quickly embracing her brothers, Nínímiel sits down and takes out several bottles of ale and wine.
"I propose a game. We go around and tell tales. If a reaction is caused, the one reacting has to drink. If no one reacts, the teller has to drink."
"May the best elf win." Elladan answers, receiving encouraging shouts.

Elrohir starts the game. He tells them of a horse that turns into a snail during the full moon. No one reacts, but it is close. Elrohir empties his cup of wine, muttering about sabotaging siblings.

After that goes Elladan, making Arwen giggle. The twins groan at Aragorns bad jokes and Arwen makes Aragorn blush by sliding her hand up his thigh, causing the other elves to laugh at him.

"We all know Aragorn here. The ranger who can track birds blindfolded. But were you aware, he once set a very effective trap for rabbits"
Nínímiel did not get to speak more, for the hand of Aragorn was covering her mouth.
"You swore not to tell anyone!"

Elladan and Elrohir grab Aragorn and restrain him.
"Continue, sister!"

"During the evening, he had several drinks, getting quite intoxicated. In the morning, he went to check on the trap but had forgotten the exact location of it. I woke up to Aragorn shouting my name. I thought he was in danger and grabbed my sword to help him. When I find him, hes hanging upside down in his own trap, his dagger on the ground beneath him."

Aragorns face was red of embarrassment, the twins were holding in their laughter and Arwen was holding her sides as she giggled.
"This happened 2 moons ago."

There was a crash as the twins of Elrond fell off their chairs in laughter.
"Drink up, my friends!"

The rest of their time was spent telling embarrassing tales of each other. It had been long dark before they decided to rest.

When Elrond went to see them in the morning, he smiled. He found Elladan and Elrohir cuddling Arwen and Aragorn was holding Nínímiel. Both had small smiles on their faces. Elrond knew his foster son was unsure what his heart desired and it would be something he might live to regret.


I apologize for the long wait, there has been a lot of things going on. I am currently recovering from surgury, but I have several unedited chapters finished that I hope to edit and publish soon. They are also longer, but here's a small filler chapter while I edit the others. My computer doesn't seem to want to open Wattpad, the website, so I had to download the program, but I will try to use a different computer for the other chapters.


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