Chapter 1

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"Strider! I will be going to Bree in the morning! Do you wish to join me?"
"Why are you going?" The man called Strider asked.
"You keep drinking all our ale. And I wish to buy some baked goods. Your cooking is disgusting."
"You know that to be untrue, Elil!"
Strider laughs and throws a stick at Elil.

The woman laughs as she catches it.
"I will join you as I have business in Bree as well," Strider answers the previous question.
Elil smiles at this and moves a strad of silver hair behind her pointed ear.
"You will need to hide your hair this time. I do not want a repeat of last time!"
Elil nods in agreement.

"We leave at sunrise. Get some rest."
"You need to rest as well! When was the last time you slept?"
Strider avoided her gaze as he picked up a knife and a dead rabbit, skinning it.
"I will force you, Strider! Do not believe otherwise!"

The man remained silent, causing the woman to sigh before turning away. She walked over to a dark brown horse with a blonde mane and stroked its mule.

 She walked over to a dark brown horse with a blonde mane and stroked its mule

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"Recover cín polod, Alagos. Mín nor- an Bree at dawn"

Upon returning to Strider, Elil unfolds her bedding. Before she lets sleep take her, she locates Strider and sends a kick into his back, laughing softly as he grunts.

In the dark hours of the night, Elil woke and saw Strider smoking by the fire.
"Post nin mellon. Im will mind i naur an i post -o i dú!"
Strider turned to see her watching him.
"You should be sleeping."
"As should you!"
He opens his mouth to say something, but Elil cuts him off.
"Aragorn, im beg -o cin. Sleep. Onlui til erin"

The man nods and Elil walks over to where he is sitting.
"Will you sing for me?" Strider asks, his eyes big and full of emotion.
Elil gently forces him to lay down and he puts his head in her lap.
"Yes, of course. But first, you must tell me what troubles you so."
As she speaks, she starts running her fingers through his hair.

"Gandalf the Grey has asked me to escort two hobbits to Rivendell. He tells me one of them carries the Ring of Sauron and is now haunted by the Ringwraiths. I fear the weakness in my blood!"
"You will not fail! You are not weak, nin mellon! Now rest. Please!"
Strider smiles and squeezes her hand as a thank you before closing his eyes when Elil starts humming.


Recover cín polod, Alagos. Mín nor- an Bree at dawn =
Recover your strenght, Alagos. We ride for Bree at dawn

Post nin mellon. Im will mind i naur an i post -o i dú! =
rest my friend. I will mind the fire for the rest of the night

Aragorn, im beg -o cin. Sleep. Onlui til erin =
Aragorn, I beg of you. Sleep. Only til morning

Hi, this is my new lotr story. I've been working on it for quite some time and then it just gathered dust in my notebook. I'm now in the process of writing it into my computer and editing. The story is not finished, so when I continue writing is a mystery to me. Hope you enjoyed


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