Chapter 8

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The Fellowship make their way through a rocky valley before they stop by a stone wall. Gandalf speaks to them, but Nínímiel does not listen. She is arguing with Alagos.

"You cannot follow me there!"'
Alagos pushes the elf in response.
"It is not my command. The Mines are no place for you!"

The horse nibbles her sleeve and pushes her arm.
"I will see you again."

Nínímiel rests her head against the mule of the horse. Their moment is interrupted by Gandalf.

"Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took. And if that does not shatter them and I'm allowed a little peace from foolish questions I will try to find the opening words!"

Aragorn and Sam walk over to them and start unpacking Bill as Sam says his goodbyes to the pony and horse.

"The Mines are no place for a pony and a horse," Aragorn comforts.
"Not even those as brave as Bill and Alagos," Nínímiel adds.

She turns to Alagos and removes her weapons from the horse, but leaves the blankets and bedroll.

"You meet me at Dimrill Dale! Do you hear me? Go to the valley below the Great Gates of Moria on the east side of the Misty Mountain! I will meet you there. Nor-, nin mellon. Nor-!"

Alagos turns and walks out, followed by Bill.
"Bye, bye Bill and Alagos."
"Don't worry, Sam. He knows the way home."
"And Alagos will return to us. She always finds me."

A splash breaks the silent atmosphere. Nínímiel and Aragorn whip around to see Merry and Pippin throwing rocks in the water. The pair quickly make their way over as Merry throws another rock. Pippin is just about to throw his stone when Aragorn grabs his arm.

"Do not disturb the water!" He warns.
"We do not know what it hides!" Nínímiel explains.

Their attention is grabbed as Frodo stands up.
"It's a riddle! Speak friend and enter. What's the elvish word for friend?"

Gandalf speaks before Nínímiel gets the chance.

A loud crack echoes through the air as the doors open. The Fellowship follows as Gandalf leads the way through the doors, lightning up his staff as he enters. Aragorn and Nínímiel look back at the lake as they go through.

"Soon Mr Elf, you will enjoy the fabelled hospitality of the dwarves. Roaring fires! Malt Beer! Red Meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin and they call it a Mine!" Gimli boasts.

Gandalf's staff lights up the room and reveals corpses and sceletons.
"I have missed Balin. He is a good friend." Nínímiel tells Gimli.

"A mine, they say. A mine!"
Gimli does not pay attention to Nínímiel's words.

"This isn't a mine, it's a tomb!" Boromir's words have the Fellowship notice the sceletons of dwarfs, arrows sticking out of them.

Gimli runs up to a corpse, yelling in despair. Nínímiel goes after him to calm him.
Legolas removes an arrow.

Aragorn and Boromir draw their swords as Legolas and Nínímiel ready their bows.
"We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here!"

The hobbits huddle together backing out of the mines.
"Now get out of here! Get out!" Boromir urges them.

Nínímiel turns around and sees Frodo falling.

Tentacles had crept out of the water and grabbed the hobbit, now dragging him out of the cave.

"Strider, Elil!" Sam calls out for them whilst stabbing the tentacle.

The 3 hobbits get Frodo free, but when they believe it to be over, multiple tentacles shoot out of the water. They take Frodo and dangle him in the air above the water.

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