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"Let's see, signature and recept

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"Let's see, signature and recept.." Reki mumbled as he checked through his bag as I tapped my feet impatiently.

It was almost midnight soon and we needed to deliver this order ASAP but Reki here was slowing us down a bit, even Langa was getting a bit annoyed.We had the skateboard ready from the customer as Reki had also brought along his that he was trying to fix earlier in the afternoon.

"We won't make it if we don't head out soon," Langa said with his usual emotionless face and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah Reki we need to go already, we don't have much time left" I ushered to the spiky red-haired who was still crouched down.

"Alright, alright, I'm done let's go" Reki said as he quickly grabbed one of the straps of the skateboard bags and handed it to me, since my uncle always puts me in charge of deliveries.

Soon we were then on our way. I was riding my uncle's extra scooter that he let me borrow since we had a little mini argument with the boys on who I would ride with so I decided to just ride alone while the two boys rode together. I also had my S pin which was on my usual favorite jacket.

"Hurry! We only have five minutes left!" Reki says loudly as we drove faster and luckily we made it inside the gates of the 'S' race. So many skaters were here as usual.

I turned the key around from the scooter to turn it off; as I then got off the scooter, feeling a little breeze brush my legs as I was wearing some shorts. I saw a skateboard rolling directly on my direction which I stopped with my foot.

"Ah I'm sorry" A skater girl apologized from a distance as she ran up to me to pick up her skateboard before dashing off riding with it.

I glance at the two teens, who also got off the scooter. Reki had this excited look on his face as he gave me a knowing look.

"Can I please give it to them? I just want to also see the look on our clients face" Reki begged as I sighed and rolled my eyes as I grabbed the strap of the skateboard bag from my chest and took it off, over my shoulders as I handed it to the spiky red head.

"He's always like this?" Langa asks as Reki grabbed skateboard bag and ran toward the client with a smile on his face.

"Yeah he tends to be very excited mainly because he likes seeing other skaters and like he said, to see the look on their faces on how the skateboard looks" I say as we both walked towards Reki and the clients direction.

"Sorry for the wait! I'm from Dope Sketch!-" The client immediately cut off Reki as he snatched the bag in excitement as the man had his girl next to him.

"I've been tired of waiting for my new deck! I put your name on it and I even went through the pain o asking a pro to tune it for me! I'm sure it's lightning-fast!-HUH?!" The man yelled as he opened the bag to reveal the skateboard that belonged to Reki. I felt I want to pass out, ah shit.

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